ID | #1617292708 |
Añadido | Jue, 01/04/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Beverly Trout, Mufon
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo salió de su casa móvil para tomar un poco de aire fresco en su patio con rejas. Al mismo tiempo, vio un objeto que aterrizó o se colgó en las inmediaciones del techo de la casa móvil de su vecina y estaba frente a ella.
Podía ver una gran ventana curva con una delgada franja en el medio, y un foco brillante brillaba desde la parte frontal inferior del objeto. No se escuchó ningún sonido. Luego notó al "piloto" con algo puesto en la cabeza, como una máscara ajustada que estaba inmóvil. Ella no podía distinguir ningún rasgo.
Luego se abrieron dos puertas y varias pequeñas criaturas salieron de ellas. Ella no podía ver sus formas o cómo se movían. La luz brillante estaba dirigida hacia ella, y parecía que estaba siendo observada.
Aterrorizada, regresó a la casa y notó que un rayo de luz ahora iluminaba su interior.
Noticias originales
Date: September 9 1997
Location: Marshalltown, Iowa
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness stepped out of her mobile home to get a breath of fresh air on her lattice-enclosed patio. As she did, she saw an object which had either landed or hovered very close to her nearby neighbor’s mobile home roof and was facing her. She could see a large curved window with a thin strip down the middle, and there was a bright spotlight shining from the lower front of the object. No sound was heard. She then noticed a “pilot” with something fitted over his head, like a form fitting mask, which was motionless. She could not distinguish any features. Then, two doors swung open and several small entities exited. She could not see their shapes or how they moved. The bright light was directed at her and she thought she was being watched. Frightened she went back into the house and noticed that the beam of light was now illuminated its interior. The witness continued to watch the object as it moved around the trailer court, occasionally stopping, hovering, and shining its light on various mobile homes.
Source: Beverly Trout, Mufon
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