ID | #1617140437 |
Añadido | Mié, 31/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Paranormal, your true tales November 03
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo trabajaba en un taller de fabricación de piezas modificadas para motos de nieve. La tienda estaba ubicada en un área que estaba prácticamente rodeada por interminables millas de tierras de cultivo.
Al terminar el turno, decidió irse a casa con la parte superior bajada del convertible. Al acercarse a un largo tramo de carretera que tenía que conducir a casa, vio algo arrastrándose a cuatro patas saliendo de una alcantarilla en la esquina de la carretera.
La criatura era enorme, aproximadamente del Tamaño de dos cuartos de su auto, con un pelo negro enredado como una sombra mientras se movía hacia la casa en la esquina.
Nunca se le ocurrió a un testigo que detuviera su auto por completo para mirar a la criatura. Cuando el testigo lo miró, tratando de averiguar qué era, de repente giró la cabeza y lo miró. Luego vio dos ojos de color rojo sangre en forma de almendra que parecían brillar desde el vacío negro mientras lo miraban.
Luego, la criatura se dio la vuelta y se movió lentamente hacia la parte posterior de la casa, donde desapareció.
Noticias originales
Date: late summer 1997
Location: Near Flint, Michigan
Time: 0300A
Summary: The witness was working in a fabrication shop that made modified parts for snowmobiles. The shop was located in an area that was virtually surrounded by endless miles of farmland. After finishing his shift he decided to drive home with the top down of his convertible. As he came up to a long stretch of road he had to take in order to get home he saw something crawling on all fours coming out of the culvert on the corner of the road. The creature was huge, it was about 2 quarters the size of his car with appeared to be black matted fur that almost looked like a shadow as it moved toward the house that was in the corner. It never dawned on the witness that he had completely stopped his car in order to look at the creature. As the witness stared at it trying to make sense of what it was it suddenly turned its head and looked at him. He then saw two almond-shaped blood red eyes that seemed to illuminate out of the black void as they peered at him. The creature then turned away and slowly moved toward the back of the house where it vanished.
Source: Paranormal, your true tales November 03
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