ID | #1616761438 |
Añadido | Vie, 26/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Castle of Spirits
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo viajaba solo a su casa en Kansas.en un camino de tierra aislado, cuando vio algo en el medio de la carretera por delante a unas 100-150 yardas... justo fuera del alcance de los faros, apareció una figura borrosa.
Sin miedo, se movió lentamente, pensando que era un animal de granja y que tendría que rodearlo. Cuando se acercó a él, al principio pensó que era un "perro grande real", pero cuando se acercó, se dio cuenta de que era una criatura que nunca había visto antes.
Solo podía describirlo como una criatura alta, similar a un hombre lobo, cubierta de cabello rojizo y amarillento. Tenía una cara enojada con una boca ancha llena de dientes largos y afilados. Sus ojos eran de color rojo sangre, llenos de maldad y odio.
Un testigo aturdido detuvo el automóvil y miró a la criatura durante unos segundos, luego dejó caer su camión en reversa y corrió hacia atrás lo más rápido que pudo.
Noticias originales
Date: September 1996
Location: Rural Missouri
Time: 0130A
Summary: The witness was driving alone back home to Kansas along some isolated dirt roads when he saw something in the middle of the road ahead about 100 to 150 yards…just beyond the reach of the headlights, just a shadowy figure. Not alarmed, he proceeded slowly, thinking it was a farm animal and that he would have to maneuver around it. As he approached it he first thought that it was a “real big dog” but as he closed in he realized it was a creature that he had never seen before. He could only describe it as a tall werewolf like creature covered in reddish and yellowish hair. It had an evil looking face with a wide mouth filled with teeth that were all long and sharp. Its eyes were blood red, full of evil and hate. The stunned witness stopped the vehicle and stared at the creature for a few seconds and then threw his truck in reverse and sped back as fast as he could. The creature did not budge it just stood in the middle of the road looking as the witness fled the area.
Source: Castle of Spirits
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