ID | #1614960748 |
Añadido | Vie, 05/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Brad Steiger, Out Of The Dark
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Daniel Klemsrud estaba caminando con su novia en un área boscosa cerca de la ciudad cuando de repente se dieron la vuelta y se perdieron. Aunque era un día claro y soleado, ahora de repente parecía que el cielo se había vuelto oscuro y nublado, y por lo tanto, el área boscosa por la que caminaban se había vuelto oscura y sombría, como si estuviera a punto de caer la noche.
También apareció una niebla espesa, que hizo que permanecer en el camino fuera extremadamente difícil.
De repente, desde todos los ángulos, escucharon una risa similar a la risa y el juego de los niños pequeños. La risa era casi musical. Klemsrud se acercó a los arbustos, que temblaban, como si se escondieran de los pequeños escuchas.
Empujando las ramas hacia atrás, vislumbró a dos hombres bajos, pero perfectamente apilados, con monos verdosos, corriendo hacia la madriguera. Tenían solo unos tres pies (0,9 m) de altura, y vio una hebilla brillante en la bota de uno de ellos cuando se sumergió en algo que parecía un túnel. Fue entonces cuando notó que estaban al pie de una colina bastante grande de tierra, completamente desprovista de vegetación. En respuesta a un mensaje interno, Daniel se metió en el bolsillo y encontró algo pequeño.
En el momento en que arrojó monedas en el agujero del montículo, el cielo se despejó, la niebla oscura se disipó y ahora podía ver fácilmente el camino que se había perdido hace unos minutos.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Boscobel, Wisconsin
Date: June 1995
Time: daytime
Daniel Klemsrud was walking with a girlfriend in a wooded area near town when they suddenly were turned around and lost. Although it had been in a clear and sunny day, it now suddenly seemed as though the sky was dark and cloudy, and consequently the wooded area in which they were walking became shadowy, murky, as if night were about to fall. A heavy mist also appeared that made it extremely difficult to stay on the trail. Suddenly from all around them they could hear the sounds of giggling, like small children laughing and playing. The laughter was almost musical. Klemsrud walked toward a clump of bushes that were shaking as if they were sheltering some little eavesdroppers. As he pulled back the branches, he caught a glimpse of two smallish, yet perfectly proportioned, men in greenish jumpsuits scurrying into a hole. They were only about three feet in height and he saw a shiny buckle on the boot of one of them as he dove into what appeared to be a tunnel. That was when he noticed that they were standing at the base of a rather large mound of earth that was completely barren of vegetation. Responding to an inner message, Daniel reached in his pocket and found some loose change. The moment he tossed the coins into the opening of the mound, the sky became clear, the dark mist lifted, and he could now easily see the path he had missed just minutes before.
Source: Brad Steiger, Out Of The Dark
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