ID | #1612294733 |
Añadido | Mar, 02/02/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Caso
Datos iniciales
La testigo, que vivía cerca de la antigua base de misiles Nike, de repente se despertó con un ruido terrible en su habitación. Parecía que la casa estaba temblando y un viento muy fuerte soplaba a través de una ventana previamente cerrada. No podía moverse, incluso cuando algo le decía que mirara por la ventana.
Pudo recordar los breves detalles de su visita a un lugar submarino, donde ella, junto con otras personas, se vio obligada a cruzar lo que parecía ser un cuerpo de agua del que salían los escalones. Al pasar por el pasillo, apareció una criatura baja en una especie de ropa peculiar.
Esta criatura habló con un testigo y otros, tal vez contándoles sobre eventos futuros, pero luego se les dijo que no podrían recordar la conversación.
Noticias originales
Date: late summer 1989
Location: Miami Lakes, Dade County, Florida
Time: night
Summary: The witness, who lived near an old Nike missile base suddenly, woke up to a tremendous noise in her bedroom. The house felt like it was shaking and a very strong wind was coming in through the previously closed window. She was unable to move, even as something told her to look out the window. She was able to remember brief details of having apparently visited an underwater location where she along with other humans were made to cross what appeared to have been a pool of water that had steps leading out of it. After walking through a passage, a short heavy set being wearing some kind of peculiar outfit, appeared. This being spoke to the witness and the others, possibly telling them about future events, but were then told that they would be unable to remember the conversation.
Source: Personal Investigation
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