ID | #1610370169 |
Añadido | Lun, 11/01/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | NUFORC
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dos testigos acamparon en un campo aislado cerca de un pinar. Por la noche, uno de ellos se durmió y el otro se despertó y vio una línea brillante que brillaba detrás de la Mosquitera.
Despertó a su amigo y fueron a investigar la fuente de luz. Al pasar por el pasto, vieron una gran bola de luz aparentemente sentada en el Suelo cercano. Le encendieron linternas y aparentemente se apagó. Esto asustó a los testigos que comenzaron a irse.
Después de caminar aproximadamente 200 yardas (180 m), escucharon un ruido proveniente del pasto más cercano, mirando a su alrededor, vieron de seis a ocho figuras humanas acercándose a la cerca. Corrieron de regreso a su tienda y no pudieron dormir el resto de la noche, escuchando ruidos extraños fuera de la tienda toda la noche.
Noticias originales
Location. Atlanta, Texas
Date: June 1994
Time: 0200A
The two witnesses were camping in an isolated field near a pine thicket. At night one of them had fallen asleep while the other woke up to see a bright line shining outside the mosquito net. He woke his friend up and went to investigate the source of the light. Walking across a pasture he saw a large ball of light apparently sitting on the ground nearby. They shone their flashlights at it and it apparently blinked out. This frightened the witnesses who began to walk away. After walking for about 200 yards they heard some noises coming from the nearby pasture, looking around they saw about six to eight human like figures approaching the fence. They ran back to their tent and were unable to sleep the rest of the night, hearing strange noises outside the tent throughout the night.
Source: NUFORC
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