ID | #1610119972 |
Añadido | Vie, 08/01/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Russian Ufology Digest December 2000, UFO Ukraine
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo I. Cellar, que resultó herida, estaba en casa, relajándose en el Sofá después de tomar un analgésico.
De repente, confundida, vio una figura cercana de unos 2,5 metros de altura, humanoide con una apariencia muy elegante.
Con la velocidad del rayo, fue transportada a través de la "niebla" a un lugar desconocido con paredes lisas de color amarillo y blanco. Mientras se sentaba y esperaba que una figura alta entrara en la habitación, tenía una cara gris, grandes ojos azules oscuros y dedos largos. En sus manos sostenía algo parecido a agujas. El humanoide de un solo golpe insertó todas las agujas en el área donde se lesionó (las rodillas).
Pronto, sin sentir el dolor en absoluto, el humanoide lo recogió, lo llevó y lo devolvió a su sala de estar.
Dos semanas después del incidente, escuchó una voz interna que la impulsó a estudiar medicina terapéutica. (Aparentemente, ella estaba curada de su lesión).
Noticias originales
Date: February 1994
Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Time: night
Summary: After suffering an injury, the witness, I Tsellar was at home relaxing in her sofa after having taken an analgesic. Suddenly in a confused state she saw standing next to hear a figure about 2.5 meters in height, humanoid and very graceful in appearance. At lighting speed she was transported through “a fog” into an unknown location with smooth yellow-white walls. As she sat waiting a tall figure entered the room, he was described as having a gray face, large dark blue eyes, long fingers. He was carrying what appeared to be needles in his hands. The humanoid using one single stroke inserted all the needles into the area where she had sustained her injury (knees). Soon, feeling no pain at all a humanoid picked her up and carried her and brought her back to her living room. Two weeks after the incident she heard an internal voice urging her to study therapeutic medicine. (Apparently she was cured of her injury).
Source: Russian Ufology Digest December 2000, UFO Ukraine
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