ID | #1609927511 |
Añadido | Mié, 06/01/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Brad Steiger, Out of The Dark
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Lorianna Endrizzi estaba conduciendo por Bray Road cuando vio lo que primero pensó que era un hombre en cuclillas al costado de la carretera. Con curiosidad, ella frenó para mirar más de cerca.
En los siguientes momentos, se sorprendió al ver que la criatura, iluminada por los rayos de sus faros, estaba cubierta de piel, tenía un largo hocico de lobo, colmillos, orejas puntiagudas y ojos que brillaban con una luz amarillenta. Las manos de la criatura estaban Unidas como las de un hombre, y tenía dedos humanos con garras afiladas en sus manos.
Lorianna, asustada, salió corriendo.
Noticias originales
Date: Winter 1993
Location: Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Time: night
Summary: Lorianne Endrizzi was driving down Bray Road when she saw what she at first thought was a man crouching at the side of the road. Curious she slowed down to take a closer look. Within the next few moments, she was astonished to see that the being spotlighted in the beams of her headlights was covered with fur, had a long, wolf-like snout, fangs, pointed ears, and eyes that had a yellowish glow. The creature’s arms were jointed like a human’s and it had hands with human-like fingers that were tipped with pointed claws. Frightened Lorianne sped off.
Source: Brad Steiger, Out of The Dark
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