ID | #1609871469 |
Añadido | Mar, 05/01/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | B. Hanlyn, Peter Guttilla, and Bigfoot Co-op Vol. 14 2-94
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un empleado senior del Servicio forestal estaba en el patio trasero de su casa cuando escuchó un ruido.
Giró a la derecha y la criatura peluda, recta y plana de 5 pies (1,5 m) se detuvo y lo miró fijamente. Un testigo corrió y vio a la criatura corriendo a muy alta velocidad a través de los arbustos hacia el oeste.
Antes de este incidente, otros eventos extraños ocurrieron alrededor de la casa del testigo, incluidos los sonidos de pasos pesados y la iluminación del patio activada por el movimiento que se encendía a cualquier hora de la noche.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Hemet California
Date: late October 1993
Time: sunset
A senior forest service employee was in his backyard when he heard a noise. He turned to his right and a 5-foot tall hairy, upright, flat-faced creature standing still and staring at him. The witness ran and was able to see the creature running at very high speed through the brush towards the west. Prior to this incident there had been some other peculiar happenings around the witness home, including heavy footfalls and motion activated yard lights that switched on at all hours of the night.
Source: B. Hanlyn, Peter Guttilla, and Bigfoot Co-op Vol. 14 2-94
Date: October 1993
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