ID | #1602750738 |
Añadido | Jue, 15/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | M Spingler, FSR Vol. 22 # 6
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dominique Menoughe, de 31 años, conducía al anochecer por el Bois de Rapp y acababa de llegar a la intersección cuando sus faros iluminaron a un grupo de unos 50 hombres parados en la intersección a su izquierda.
Eran de baja estatura y color verde, sus manos y pies estaban palmeados como las de las ranas. Eran bastante "obesos", con brazos largos y delgados, y parecían estar en máscaras o cascos, con dos grandes ojos rojos de 4 pulgadas (10,16 cm) de diámetro que reflejaban la luz de los faros.
Si llevaban alguna ropa, era muy ajustada. Se quedaron quietos sin hacer nada.
El testigo se asustó y giró el auto para continuar su camino. Al mismo tiempo, vio a otro hombre parado al otro lado de la carretera del resto, a solo tres o cuatro yardas (2,7-3,6 m) de él.
Noticias originales
Date: May 2 1976
Location: Matton & L’Etang de Banel Ardennes France
Time: 2115
Summary: Dominique Menuge, 31, was driving in the dusk in “Le bois de Rappes” and had just reached a crossroads when his headlights illuminated a group of about 50 little men standing beside the crossroads, to his left. They were not quite 4 ft tall and green in color, their hands and feet were webbed, like frogs. They were fairly “corpulent”, with long thin arms, and seemed to be wearing masks or helmets, with two big red eyes 4” in diameter that reflected the headlights. If they wore any clothes, they were very tight fitting. They were standing motionless, doing nothing. The witness took fright, and turned his car around to retrace his path. While doing this he saw yet another of the little men, standing on the other side of the road from the others, only 3 or 4 yards from him. An investigation by the Carignan gendarmerie a week later found no traces at the spot.
Source: M Spingler, FSR Vol. 22 # 6
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