ID | #1601916305 |
Añadido | Lun, 05/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Mike Swords. Source: J.M.Bigorne, “Dividing UFO with Occupants”, Lumieres Dans La Nuit, #151, January 1976
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La hija de la casa se fue a la ciudad, donde se organizaron festividades. Ella regresó tarde y su padre salió. No la vio, sino algo en el cielo.
La criatura era como un agujero negro perfectamente redondo que se destacaba dramáticamente contra el fondo de una noche gris y también estaba rodeada por una corona blanca de baja intensidad. Sugirió que estaba a unos 200 metros de distancia. Parece estar bajando, pero muy lentamente. Entró y llamó a su esposa.
Junto con él, observó cómo esta cosa bajaba 20 metros del Suelo. Luego, si las cosas no eran lo suficientemente extrañas, la línea de la corona dividió el agujero horizontalmente como la letra "D" y su reflejo.
Las letras "D" divergieron lentamente, y el lado derecho [D"real"] parecía alejarse o encogerse hasta que desapareció. Por lo tanto, nos quedamos con el reflejo de la letra "D" sentado en el cielo. Desde el borde curvo de la letra D invertida a través de la negrura, comenzó una "línea" o "velo", casi como una cortina de escenario.
A medida que se movía hacia la derecha, descubría, a diferencia de la oscuridad, formas de lo que parecían ser dos entidades vestidas como astronautas, es decir, trajes espaciales y cascos completos.
Su atuendo, aunque blanco, tenía un tono grisáceo y tenía un carácter metálico. Se movían más como títeres que como seres vivos. De hecho, eran muy bidimensionales. Dos testigos quedaron atónitos por este "Show" y lo observaron sin pensar durante 40 minutos.
Al salir de este trance, cuando sus pensamientos volvieron a su hija tardía, el padre se subió al auto y condujo a la ciudad, mientras que la madre entró. El agujero todavía estaba en el cielo, y los títeres todavía vagaban dentro de él.
Durante todo este evento, no se vieron autos en la carretera, no hubo ruido del "objeto" y, en general, ningún sonido que pudieran recordar. Se informa que la madre ya no buscó el objeto, e incluso el padre, al regresar con su hija, no lo buscó.
Los investigadores franceses informaron que los testigos eran personas muy simples y prácticas, "completamente desinteresadas en el fenómeno OVNI".
Bueno, realmente una" manifestación " de alta rareza y sobre la misma visión sin sentido que todo en la literatura sobre Ovnis. ¿Algún tipo súper tecnológico ha puesto una producción Amateur con su punción Hiperespacial en un agujero de gusano? Casos como este crean "teorías universales" que explican el fenómeno OVNI.
Noticias originales
Date: August 26, 1974
Location: Feignies, France
Time: 9:00 PM.
Summary: The daughter of the house had gone into town where there were holiday festivities. She was late returning and her father walked outside. He saw not her but something in the sky. The thing was like a perfectly round black hole, standing out starkly against the gray of the evening, and also outlined with a low-intensity white corona. He guessed the thing to be about 200 meters away. It seemed to be descending, but very slowly. He went in and got his wife. She watched with him, as the thing descended to 20 meters off the ground. Then, if things were not strange enough, a line of corona split the hole horizontally, like a “D” and its mirror image. The “D’s” moved slowly apart, and the right-side one [the “proper” D] seemed to either move away into the distance, or shrink away until it was gone. So, we are left with a mirror-image “D” sitting in the sky. From the curved edge of the inverted D, a “line” or “veil” began to be drawn across the blackness, almost like a stage curtain. As it moved to the right, it revealed, contrasted to the blackness, the forms of what appeared to be two entities attired like astronauts, that is, in full spacesuits and helmets. Their gear, though white, was said to have a greyish tinge and be metallic in character. They moved about seeming more like puppets than living beings. They were in fact very two-dimensional. The two witnesses were stunned by this “show” and watched somewhat mindlessly for 40 minutes. Snapping out of it when their thoughts returned to their tardy daughter, the father got to his car and drove to town; the mother went inside. The hole was still in the sky, and the puppets still blundering around within it. During this whole affair, there were no cars in evidence on the road, no noise from the “object”, and generally no sounds that they could remember at all. It is reported that the mother looked no further for the object, and even the father, upon his return with his daughter, did not look for it. The French investigators reported that the witnesses were very simple, practical folks, “completely devoid of any interest in the UFO phenomenon.” Well, a high strangeness “display” indeed; and about as meaningless seeming as anything in the UFO literature. Did some ultra-technology kid put on an amateur stage production with his hyperspace puncturing wormhole kit? Cases like this make “universal theories” to explain the UFO phenomenon largely a Don Quixote Windmill Tilting exercise. (Mike Swords. Source: J.M.Bigorne, “Dividing UFO with Occupants”, Lumieres Dans La Nuit, #151, January 1976 [translated by Gordon Creighton for Flying Saucer Review, vol.22 [1], 1976. Note in the title the model-dependent wording. The case as read might not describe either a “UFO” or “occupants”. Forcing witness descriptions into “comfortable” identifiers might preclude the flexibility needed to see the phenomenon in its true complexity).
Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde
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