ID | #1601734181 |
Añadido | Sáb, 03/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Depeche Du Midi
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un testigo anónimo, de unos 22 años, regresaba a casa después de reunirse con su novia cuando su auto se detuvo solo.
Luego vio a una criatura humanoide de aproximadamente 3 pies (0,9 m) de altura, con pies muy grandes y "brazos tan largos que no podía decir si tenía brazos". De color verde, con orejas puntiagudas en la parte superior. La criatura le dio la espalda. Se acercó a la zanja y entró en ella. Luego miró con "ojos muy negros "al testigo, que" sintió algo así como una ola en mi cabeza", y se alejó con miedo. Poco después, el motor del coche volvió a arrancar.
El testigo fue al médico para un examen neurológico que mostró que estaba sano.
Noticias originales
Date: March 1974
Location: Near Nogaro France
Time: 0300A
Summary: The anonymous witness, about 22 years old, was returning home after seeing his fiancée, when his car stopped of its own accord. Then he saw a humanoid being, perhaps 3 ft tall, with very large feet and “arms so long that I could not tell whether he had hands.” Green in color, which pointed ears on top of his head, the being had its back turned to him. It went over to the ditch and stepped into it. Then it looked with “very black eyes,” at the witness, who “felt something like a wave inside my head,” and, in fear, looked away. Shortly afterwards the car’s motor started up again. The witness went to a doctor for a neurological examination, which found him to be normal.
Source: Depeche Du Midi
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