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OVNI. Reino Unido

ID #1569243895
Añadido Lun, 23/09/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
10.12.1963 23:30
Cosford RAF
Reino Unido

En 1995 виабаза de la fuerza aérea Real en Косфорде, cerca de wolverhampton, probablemente, conocida por su enorme museo, en el que se almacena una impresionante colección de antiguas de los aviones militares y civiles. Sin embargo, hace más de treinta años Косфорд en poco tiempo la fama completamente otra razón.

Alrededor de las 23:30 de la tarde, el 10 de diciembre de 1963 ovni en forma de cúpula aterrizó en la base, ha inundado los alrededores de un rayo de luz verde y se ha visto a corta distancia de por lo menos dos discípulos de la fuerza aérea. Por lo menos, era común en la historia de los tres últimos decenios.

De acuerdo con las "tres décadas de la resolución del gobierno británico", de más de ochenta páginas de los asuntos del ministerio de defensa han sido recientemente fue desclasificado y ya están disponibles para su inspección en el archivo Estatal.

Los rumores de que algo inusual ocurrió en la base, apareció casi de inmediato, pero sólo a principios de enero de 1964. El 9 de enero de wilfred daniels, un investigador de ovnis de Стаффорда, tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con el Reverendo b. G. henry, el capellán en la RAF Cosford, y le hizo una serie de preguntas relacionadas con la percepción de la cercana encuentro.

No podemos estar seguros de que en realidad se ha dicho en el transcurso de su breve conversación, ambos hombres se acordaban de su "conversación" notablemente diferente), pero ha surgido la polémica que se ha desatado meses. En una carta de fecha 13 de abril de 1964 Уэверни Гирвану, al editor de la revista Flying Saucer Review, wilfred daniels dijo:

"El teniente de vuelo henry dijo que la publicación de su nombre hará que tenía un problema y que era "más de lo que costó su trabajo", organizar una reunión entre mí y los dos discípulos RAF, que en realidad no tiene que hablar conmigo acerca de esto en absoluto".

Por su parte, el recuerdo del Reverendo henry fueron, en cierta medida, son opuestas a las memorias de daniel. En la carta de vuelo oficial de la R. a. roberts de Косфорда en el ministerio de aviación de whitehall se indicó que el teniente de vuelo henry "niega con todos los atribuidos a él de testigo". Roberts también añadió que el capellán "en serio está considerando la posibilidad de entablar un juicio".

A su favor, Уэверни Гирван decidido a desentrañar el misterio y escribió un montón de cartas en Косфорд y el ministerio de aviación. Como Гирван indicó al personal que Косфорде, las autoridades han propuesto varias contradictorias explicaciones para explicar lo sucedido: "Nada en absoluto", "dos borrachos estudiante", "el engaño" y que varios divertido, "паравоз británicos de los ferrocarriles" fueron diversas las teorías presentadas por el ministerio de la aviación en sus intentos de suprimir el interés al asunto.

Гирван le dio a este incidente en el lugar de honor en la próxima edición de Flying Saucer Review y escribió un gran artículo sobre este asunto en Kensington News y el West London Times. Comentando "contradictorias explicaciones" al gobierno, Гирван dijo: "Que tan desesperadamente tratando de ocultar el ministerio de la aviación?"

Prefiriendo no bajar la cabeza, el ministerio de aviación zumbaba a puertas cerradas. Para el mes de mayo del mismo año, la contradicción comenzaron a oírse.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

In 1995, the Royal Air Force facility at Cosford, near Wolverhampton, is probably known for its huge museum which is home to an impressive collection of vintage military and civil aircraft. More than thirty years ago, however, Cosford became briefly famous for an entirely different reason.

At around 11.30pm on the evening of December 10, 1963, a dome-shaped UFO touched down on the base, bathed the surrounding area in a beam of green light, and was seen at close quarters by at least two RAF apprentices. At least, that has been the accepted story for the last three decades. In accordance with the British Government’s ‘thirty year ruling’ the Ministry of Defence’s eighty page file on the case has recently been declassified and is now available for inspection at the Public Record Office. Its contents make for interesting reading.

Rumours that something extraordinary had occurred at the base surfaced almost immediately, but it was not until early January 1964 that matters escalated. On January 9, Wilfred Daniels, a UFO investigator from Stafford, had the opportunity to speak with Reverend B.G. Henry, the Chaplain at RAF Cosford, and duly put to him a number of questions relative to the alleged close encounter.

We cannot be sure what was actually said during the course of their brief conversation (both men recalled their ‘chat’ in markedly different ways), but a controversy was created which raged for months. In an April 13, 1964 letter to Waverney Girvan, editor of Flying Saucer Review magazine, Wilfred Daniels reported: “Flight Lieutenant Henry said that publication of his name would cause him trouble; that it was ‘more than his job was worth’ to arrange a meeting between me and the two RAF apprentices; that he really ought not to be talking to me about it at all; that security had dropped right down on the whole thing.”

For his part, Reverend Henry’s recollection were somewhat opposed to those of Daniels. A letter from Flying Officer R.A. Roberts at Cosford, to the Air Ministry at Whitehall, stated that Flight Lieutenant Henry “categorically denies all statements attributed to him”. Flying Officer Roberts further added that the chaplain was “seriously considering taking legal action”.

To his credit, Waverney Girvan resolved to get to the bottom of the mystery, and fired off a barrage of letters to both Cosford and the Air Ministry. As Girvan pointed out to the staff at Cosford, several contradictory explanations had been offered by the authorities to explain the encounter: ‘Nothing at all’, ‘two drunk apprentices’, ‘a hoax’, and, somewhat amusingly, ‘a British Railways steam train’ were the various theories mooted by the Air Ministry in its attempts to squelch interest in the case. Smelling a rat, Girvan gave the incident pride of place in the next issue of Flying Saucer Review, and write a lengthy article on the case in the Kensington News and West London Times. Commenting on the Government’s ‘self-contradictory explanations’, Girvan said: ‘What is it that the Air Ministry is trying so desperately to hide?’

Preferring to keep its head down, the Air Ministry fumed behind closed doors. Of particular concern to the Air Ministry, the media persisted in promoting the case: ‘…the Express and Star of Wolverhampton, in spite of seeking the Station’s views, reported the boys’ claim….,’ grumbled the Ministry in an internal memorandum of March 12, 1964.

By May of that same year, the controversy had begun to die down and normality returned to RAF Cosford. The pro-UFO facrtions continued to champion the case, while the Air Ministry was more than happy to play the matter down.

So, what exactly did happen on that long gone winter’s evening in December 1963? On the plus side, Waverney Girvan was a much-respected individual, well-known for his diligent researches. In addition, Wilfred Daniels had served in the military at the level of Captain – an equally credible source. Moreover, it is a proven fact that the Air Ministry did offer a variety of contradictory explanations in its attempt to dismiss the case.

On the other hand, the negative aspects of the case have to be addressed. Flight Lieutenant Henry was adamant that he had been misquoted by Wilfred Daniels; the possibility of him taking legal action was discussed in inter-departmental memos. Furthermore, a handwritten note which originated with the Air Ministry stated that with respect to the two apprentices who reported seeing the UFO: ‘I believe the two boys in question wanted to get out of the survive – and we should not have been sorry to see them go.’

However, if nothing untoward occurred, why did the Air Ministry feel the need to offer a variety of ever-changing explanations as it sought to diffuse both public and media interest in the event?

In the final analysis, whatever truth lies behind the alleged 1963 UFO encounter at RAF Cosford, of only one thing we can be truly certain: with the release of the Government’s eighty page file on the incident, the decades-old controversy looks certain to resurface.


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