ID | #1559218049 |
Añadido | Jue, 30/05/2019 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
Muchos de los cazadores de fantasmas vagan por el más visitado las casas en el mundo con la esperanza de recoger la evidencia de que los fantasmas existen. Algunos de estos estudios dan resultados impresionantes y desafían nuestras más profundas convicciones.
Jason Витнелл, el cazador de fantasmas de la opinión de que fotografió el espíritu de un niño que estaba fuera de la "Casa del monje negro", situada en Понтефракт, en el Oeste de yorkshire. Esta casa es famosa por el fantasma de un monje, vestido de negro.
De 49 años de edad, el hombre y su equipo hicieron "rutina de fotos" en el lugar en medio de la noche, cuando les parece que ven algo que "выпросто no se puede ignorar".
Los escépticos pueden pensar que esto es sólo débilmente iluminada por una valla. Sin embargo, hay pistas que nos permiten dar un gran valor a esta misteriosa silueta. Realmente, se trata de un edificio, como es sabido, tiene una intensa паранормальную la actividad.
Este, aparentemente trivial de la casa se hizo famoso en 1966, después de la mudanza de la familia pritchard. Ellos fueron testigos de multitud de fenómenos sin explicación: se han formado charcos de agua, los mismos se apagaban las lámparas, los muebles se movía, la obra se rompan, los objetos se levantaban, la respiración y el ruido han sido regularmente son audibles.
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Noticias originales
Now, you and I may have never seen a ghost before, but that's not to say they're not real. Maybe we've never seen one before because we're not 'ghost hunters' who know the best 'haunted houses' to search at?
One such ghost hunter by the name of Jason Whitnell reckons he's snapped a childlike spectre outside 'The Home of the Black Monk' in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, UK.
The 49-year-old and his team were taking 'routine pictures' at the site in the middle of the night when he reckons they beheld a vision 'you simply can't unsee'.
He said: "We always knew there was more to this house than history would have you believe.
"When we arrived, we set up our equipment and split into two teams to try to increase the chance of obtaining some evidence.
"For the best part of the evening the house seemed very quiet and after five or so hours of investigations we rested. It was just after 3am that we had a cup of tea and decided to get an hour of sleep.
"All four of us settled down in the lounge, two fell asleep pretty much from the off but myself and another just couldn't settle. We went outside and stepped away from the house to take pictures of it.
"You can see the figure of what looks like a child standing there looking directly at us - it was a female figure staring our way.
"We have looked at the front of this house many times and have scoured it from top to bottom to confirm there's no mistakes.
"You simply can't unsee it once you've seen it."
Funny innit how these ghosts always come out in the middle of the night, you know, when you can't see properly?
But while it may be easy to dismiss this spectre as just a bit of dimly lit hedge, perhaps we should give the mysterious shape more credence, given the building's paranormal history.
The seemingly ordinary house first came under the ghostly spotlight in 1966 when the Pritchard family moved in. They said all sort of weird shit used to go on: water pools formed, lights turned off and on, furniture flipped, pictures were slashed, objects levitated, foul smells travelled through the house and heavy breathing sounds were heard.
Paranormal investigator, Tom Cuniff, subsequently spent years investigating the house, clearly unsatisfied with the explanation that Mr Pritchard was a sleep walker/snorer/farter.
He concluded that the spookiness might stem from the fact the town gallows used to be opposite the property. Specifically, he reckoned the Pritchards were being haunted by the Black Monk, a Clunaic monk who was hanged for the rape and murder of a young girl.
With the benefit of the above knowledge, maybe you should go back and take a long hard at the hedge and tell me you don't see a female child spectre.
Ilusión pareidólica

La variedad de las ilusiones visuales (los llamados "sensoriales de la ilusión complementos"); consiste en la formación de imágenes ilusorias, como base de los cuales derivan de la pieza real del objeto. Por lo tanto, vago y невразумительный una imagen visual que se percibe como algo claro y definido — por ejemplo, las figuras de personas y animales en las nubes, la imagen de una persona en la superficie de la luna, "mensajes ocultos", escuchó cuando invierte grabaciones de audio, las sombras formadas por hojas o complejos circundantes de las cosas con una cierta luz (a veces con un cierto ángulo).
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