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Fantasma. Reino Unido

ID #1558693318
Añadido Vie, 24/05/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha de origen: 
Reino Unido

Varios años atrás, una pareja regresaba de una fiesta en casa, en el sureste de gran bretaña. Se han ido por el camino de noche y se encontraron cara a cara con la intimidante irreal monje que caminaba por el borde de la carretera.

"Hace cinco años con mi esposa y los niños iban en nuestro a1 oscura noche de invierno. Regresamos a nuestra casa en Хартфордшире después del fin de semana con los padres de mi esposa en el norte de Ноттингемширском el distrito. Los niños dormían en la parte trasera de la máquina. Cerca de peterborough, a las 22:00 en completamente desolado camino, hemos visto oscura humanoide con capucha, caminando por el borde de la calzada.

Hemos pasado muy cerca de esa persona. Era similar a la de un monje en la ropa oscura. No nos vieron su rostro.

Mi esposa y yo en ese momento sintieron una extraña sensación de ansiedad. Nos sentimos en peligro. Mi esposa me convenció de no mirar en el espejo retrovisor. Estamos muy brevemente el hecho de que los dos estábamos muy preocupados acerca de este misterioso ser. Tenemos la convicción profunda de que esto no es algo totalmente natural."

Naturalmente, nuestros testigos pensaron que primero tienen que lidiar con un automovilista, cuyo coche se averió. Sólo que ellos no han visto ni un solo coche en el arcén. De la misma manera que había muy pocas posibilidades de que el residente de la zona va a caminar en un lugar frío de la noche.

Hoy, después de un profundo análisis de esta situación, piensan que han tenido que ver con el fantasma, tal vez, el espíritu de un muerto monje, que eternamente y vaga sin rumbo por esta carretera en la noche.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

I read, with interest, the piece in the Independent [about Mark Chorvinsky's Grim Reaper research]. It reminded me of an experience my wife and I had a few years ago. About five years ago my wife, children and I were driving down the A1 on a dark winter’s night, returning to our h…ome in Hertfordshire after a weekend visit to my wife’s parents in North Nottinghamshire. The children were asleep in the back of the car. Near Peterborough, at about 10 P.M. on a very empty road, we saw a dark cowled figure walking — moving might be a better word — north, on the very edge of the carriageway, towards us. We passed very close by this figure. It resembled a monk in full robes and hood made of some dark material. We did not really see the face, which seemed to be in shadow and indistinct. After passing it I looked in the rear view mirror, but could not see it again.


Both my wife and I felt a strange sense of unease and menace, and in fact my wife urged me not to look back. We discussed it — only very briefly as we both felt disturbed by this figure, and we both felt it was not something totally natural. The obvious possibility was that it was a broken down motorist, but we had not, and did not, pass any stopped cars. This is a fairly lonely stretch of road and it is unlikely that any locals would be walking along it at that time of the night — or at all as walking on the edge of what is one of the busiest and fastest dual carriageways in the country is not exactly encouraged. Also, there was the question of the figure’s dress and the fact that I could not see it in the rearview mirror.

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For some reason we never really discussed this in depth subsequently — we did not feel inclined to — and in fact never mentioned it until about a year ago, when, prompted by a TV program, our children asked us if we had ever seen a ghost. We told them we were not sure, but had seen this strange figure…. Also, by some sort of unspoken agreement, we always use the M1 now when returning from the north at night!


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