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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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Fuego errante. Uruguay

ID #1541154539
Añadido Vie, 02/11/2018
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
29.10.2018 02:30
между Виллой-дель-Кармен и Серро-Чато

El 29 de octubre de 2018, apareció una grabación de audio que se transmite a través de WhatsApp, de la que se informó sobre la aparición de las 2:30 de la mañana , la luz verde en el medio del campo. A continuación siguió una fuerte explosión, y la luz se ha disparado en el cielo oscuro, no ha desaparecido.


Según el informe, todo esto ocurrió en la carretera entre Villa del carmen y del cerro Чато, a unos 45 kilómetros de Саранди del yi.

El hombre que primero cuenta la historia de la luz que él posteriormente menciona como un ovni, asegura que este caso no era único. En la misma zona otro trabajador visto semejante.

El conductor de un camión dice que la luz azul que estaba al lado de su medio de transporte, y después de que él le encuentren un tramo de carretera, se dio la vuelta y desapareció en el cielo.


Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

An audio recording circulated this past Monday - October 29, 2018 - on WhatsApp that purportedly reported the apparition, at 2:30 a.m., of a green light in the middle of a field. A loud detonation was heard afterward and the light climbed into the dark sky until it vanished.

According to the account, it all occurred on a road near Routes 19 and 16 between Villa del Carmen and Cerro Chato, some 45 kilometers from Sarandí del Yí, the area in which the well-known Sainz business is located, handling over 100 trucks per day, hailing from various communities.

The person who first tells the story of the light - which he subsequently refers to as a UFO - states that this case was not unique. In the same area of rural Durazno, another worker had made similar remarks.

The second truck driver says that the blue light was swinging alongside his vehicle, and after following him for a considerable stretch of road, turned and vanished into the sky.

We are sharing two audios (in a single recording) received at the newsroom. You may hear other details from those who claim to have witnessed an uncanny experience, which was accepted calmly and with a good sense of humor.

First Voice: "Around 2:30 in the morning I heard dogs barking, and I went out to take a look. I saw a green light and thought, damn, could it be a hunter? One who went out with a green lamp to spotlight critter (coughs). And so I looked at it and suddenly I saw it flying around the field, really fast, and then it went up to the sky, really high up. Then it disappeared. It spun and I never saw it again. So I thought, could it be a UFO? And that's what I believed. Half an hour later a trucker came by to fill up on gasoil, and he said to me: "Do you know that one of my fellow drivers on the road came across a green light that moved in every direction?" So I said, Ah, that's the same one I saw! I've seen the very same thing, I told him. [The trucker said] this happened in the middle of the countryside and it swung beside the truck, then moved up and up, there was a flash and it vanished. And that's where we left it, it was a UFO and so forth. Strange things that happen. A while later another trucker came by, the one in the audio, and he sent me an audio, saying a light appeared beside him and paced him, slowly, flanking him. It moved in every which direction. It was as if it was keeping him company before it flew up and disappeared. So I thought one must be nuts to see something like that (laughs)."

Second Voice: "Have you sped up, sped up, sped up? Things were tough here last night in Los Sainz. I was on my way to Los Sainz when the lights on my truck cut out. They turned off twice and the truck was left without power. Someone else at Los Sainz had had a blue light appear before him. Took a photo of it in front of him [garbled] there was a flash, a blue flash. So I left Los Sainz, a few hundred meters out, looked to the side, driving easy and slow, and I saw a blue flash. Blue, very blue. It moved to and fro and then vanished. So I told myself, it's your tough luck, buddy. But then it went away, I don't know."


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material
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Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde space.skyrocket.de)

  • Sitio: Jiuquan Space Center, Inner Mongolia (China) Vehículo: CZ-2C (3) Carga útil: CFOSAT (Zhongfa Haiyangxue Weixing) Xiaoxiang 1-02 (TY 1-02, TY 4) Tongchuan 1 (Zhaojin 1, TY 4-02, TY 5) Tianqi 1 (TQ 1) Xinghe (Tianfuguoxing 1, TY 1-03, TY 3) Changshagaoxin (TY 4-01, TY 7) CubeBel 1 (BSUSat 1) ?
  • Sitio: Tanegashima Space Center, Tanegashima (Japan) Vehículo: H-2A-202 Carga útil: GOSAT 2 (Ibuki 2) KhalifaSat Diwata 2B (PO 101, Philippines-OSCAR 101) Ten-Koh AUTcube 2 (Gamacube) STARS-AO (Aoi)


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
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La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
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Amigos del sitio

  • Мир тайн — сайт о таинственном
  • Activite-Paranormale
  • UFOlats
  • Новый Бестиарий
  • The Field Reports
  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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