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Advenedizo. Reino Unido

ID #1535123784
Añadido Vie, 24/08/2018
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

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Fecha del incidente: 
Парк Солтуэлл
Reino Unido

Es un día soleado de primavera de 1940. Los soldados marchando hacia el sur por la calle Солтвелл, en gateshead, en el lado de baja). Cerca de cinco años de robert Hall juega con sus amigos en el laberinto rojo ladrillo terrazas británico, cerca de las vías del ferrocarril.

Antes de ese día había visto algo sibilante en el cielo, y después de que él se ha cansado de jugar con sus amigos, decidió ir a su casa Хедли street vuelta de la esquina.

Robert, jubilados limpiador de ventanas, dice que ha visto un avión, qué él nunca había visto antes. Él lo describió como "una gran яйцевидная cosa, rodeada de una luz brillante".

Robert dijo que fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de extraño aspecto de los seres que estaban en la calle. Se dice que tres de ellos se veían como los hombres, pero su crecimiento fue de 2 a 4 pies, uno se veía como Бигфут, y el otro tenía el pelo largo y una capa que cubra el cuerpo como el esqueleto y las alas de un murciélago.

"A los otros niños que estaban en estado de shock. Ellos trataron de cruzar la vía férrea, pero allí estaba el alambre de púas, y que se juegan y gritando", dijo.

Robert Холу de 76 años de edad, y él contaba la misma historia de toda su vida.

Para recordar lo que ha pasado, robert dice que los seres hablado con él en un inglés sin acento, y preguntó si podían ver su.

"Les dije que este año 1940, y estuvimos en guerra con alemania", dice. "Tomaron la sangre del cuello. Yo cerré los ojos. Yo estaba tan asustado que temblaba.

Después de 20 terribles минутразрешили irse. Mis padres pensaron que estaba bromeando, y los soldados también."

Al día siguiente, dos hombres en trajes negros vinieron a casa y advirtieron que si se que alguien dirá, él desaparecerá.

A los pocos días se volvió aún más siniestro. Él dice que el gris extraterrestre con los ojos grandes y la cabeza grande, lo agarró.

Fue a mí a través de un par de segundos", dice. Me caí a un lado y se golpeó la nariz. Mi tío ernie vio lo que estaba sucediendo, y se abalanzó sobre él con el carbón de la pala.

El cuerpo de un extraterrestre, presuntamente, fue puesto en el carbón de la bolsa, y a robert enviado en busca del local de la policía sargento de brookes. El cuerpo lo llevaron a la iglesia.

Robert dice que en su mejilla izquierda aparecieron extrañas pequeñas marcas triangulares, que se mantuvieron hasta que él tenía 12 o 13 años, antes de que desaparecieron sin dejar rastro.

Después de setenta años después de su presunta encuentro cercano, la historia de robert se convirtió en la historia de la televisión de la película documental.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Stories of alien abductions peaked in the Sixties and Seventies, but one case that predates them is said to have taken place in the North-East. Gavin Havery reports.

IT is a sunny spring day in 1940. Soldiers are marching south along Saltwell Road, in Gateshead, towards Low Fell. Nearby, five-year-old Robert Hall is playing with his friends in the maze of red brick Tyneside terraces, not far from the train tracks.

“They weren’t bloody green, they were grey. I will take it to my grave.”

Earlier in the day, he had seen something whizzing about in the sky and, after he tired of playing with his friends, he decided to go to his Hedley Street home around the corner.

Robert, a retired window cleaner, says he was confronted by an aircraft the like of which he had never seen before. He described it as “a big egg-shaped thing surround by bright light”.

Robert says it was then that he spotted strange-looking creatures standing in the back lane. He says three of them were built like men, but ranged from 2ft to 4ft in height, one looked like Big Foot while another had long flowing hair and a coat that partially covered a skeletal body and bat wings.

“Other children were petrified and in shock. They were trying to get over the railway, but there was barbed wire and they were getting cut and were screaming,” he says.

The story sounds like something from a low budget sci-fi film but the man telling it is no attention-seeking youngster. Robert Hall is 76 and he has been telling the same story all his life.

And now he is telling it in a television programme that has brought his story to a worldwide audience.

Recalling what happened, Robert says the creatures spoke to him in perfect English, with no accent, and asked if they could examine him. “I told them it was 1940 and we were at war with Germany,” he says. “They took blood out of the back of my neck and put some jelly on. I kept my eyes shut. I was so frightened I was shaking.”

After 20 terrifying minutes, he was allowed to go. “I was up that street like a shot,” he says.

“My parents thought I was kidding and so did the soldiers.”

The next day, Robert says, two men with black suits came to the house and warned him that if he said anything, he would disappear.

One close encounter would be fascinating enough, but the pensioner says things took an even more sinister turn a few days later when an alien tried to snatch him off the street.

He says a grey alien, fitting the common description of an extra terrestrial with big eyes and a large head, grabbed him. “He was on me in a couple of seconds,” he says. “I fell over the kerb and bashed my toe. My Uncle Ernie saw what was happening and bashed its head in with a coal shovel.”

The alien’s body was allegedly put in a coal sack and Robert was sent to find a local policeman, Sergeant Brookes. He says the Army was called and took the body to a church.

Robert says strange small triangular marks appeared on his left cheek, which remained until he was about 12 or 13, before disappearing, leaving no trace.

Seventy years after his alleged close encounter, Robert’s story has become the subject of a television documentary.

RESEARCHER and broadcaster Richard Hall, who is not related to Robert, studies all things out of the ordinary for his digital television programme, The Rich Planet Starship, and richplanet.net In 2008, he was giving a lecture on UFOs at the Caedmon Hall, in Gateshead, when he was contacted by Robert, who lives nearby.

Richard, who is 43 and lives in Sunniside, but is based in Consett, says: “It is a fascinating story and it is a very, very early case in terms of modern day grey alien abductions.”

Richard says other abduction cases were reported in Brazil in 1957, and in the US in 1961, increasing throughout the Sixties and Seventies.

“There is a case of a recovered UFO in Missouri where small alien creatures were allegedly recovered and, obviously, we have got Roswell in 1947 (an alien spacecraft allegedly crashed at Roswell, in New Mexico).

“But this predates all of that, which makes it a very interesting case.”

Richard carried out a three-month investigation into Robert’s claims. He verified that street and shop names checked out. He also managed to confirm there was a Sgt Brookes working the area at the time.

Richard says Robert’s description of the creatures – the small stature, the grey skin, the large eyes, the craft itself, elliptical shape and the metallic surface with the bright light – are common features of alien abduction stories “There’s also the fact that they tried to interfere with Robert’s neck.

“I don’t believe that they took blood, as Robert claims,” he says. “They were possibly trying to put something in.

“Interestingly, Robert says the creatures had a short, white hand-held device which could subdue or immobilise somebody and there’s the triangular marks that were left on his face.

“These are all things that we find in abductee cases, again and again.”

Richard’s investigations are ongoing and he is keen for anyone who can back up Robert’s claims to get in touch with him.

Robert, who has four children and three grandchildren, is sincere and earnest about his alien encounter all those years ago.

Richard, who has met Robert’s sister, says it is a story he has stuck to since he was a little lad. Robert says: “I got the p**s taken out of me for years, and at school the teacher would say ‘there’s the boy who believes in little green men’.

“They weren’t bloody green, they were grey. I will take it to my grave.”


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