ID | #1510301911 |
Añadido | Vie, 10/11/2017 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
En el conocido видеохостинге "YouTube" publicaron una misteriosa grabación en la que supuestamente aparecía muerto el representante de una civilización extraterrestre.
Si hemos de creer a уфологам, выложившим este vídeo de la world wide web, lo sorprendente, marcos se han recibido en el invierno de 1992, en los alrededores de la ciudad canadiense de quebec, y hasta ahora los poros de la era estrictamente privado. El material inmediatamente приковал la atención de decenas de miles de usuarios de internet.
Incluyendo presentada por debajo de la de vídeo, usted será capaz de ver el desnudo, el cadáver de un extraño mal seres desproporcionada de la cabeza y los brazos largos. El presunto extranjero, al parecer, ha colgado en el cercado. Un grupo de personas desconocidas alivia el cuerpo humanoide con la de la emergencia de la trampa y lo pone en la nieve. Algunos de los habituales de la Red de broma, que de la misma manera de terminar la vida de muchos de los necios de los animales: por ejemplo, el ciervo puede con la carrera наскочить en el cercado y morir, incapaz de liberarse. Teniendo en cuenta que estaba dura canadiense de invierno, esta teoría parece bastante plausible.
Sin embargo, ¿por qué el extraterrestre se encontraba en el lugar de uno, sí, todavía desnudo y sin ningún tipo de tecnología? ¿Acaso el "hombrecillos verdes" tan primitivo en su desarrollo? Tal vez por eso, muchos comentaristas se negaron a creer en la veracidad de la grabación. En su opinión, se trata de la devolución, aunque lo suficientemente hábil, arreglado. Escépticos señalan también que si el rodillo auténtico secreto de un gobierno mundial apenas permitió que su promulgación.
Pero, a juzgar por todo, y no permita enteros de un cuarto de siglo! Los especialistas han determinado que el vídeo auténticamente antiguo. A quién se le ocurrió esta вздорная la idea de quitar la succión de un maniquí y luego mantener un registro de 25 años para поразвлечь ella descendientes? Es muy poco probable. Entonces, ¿qué es en realidad?..
Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»
Noticias originales
En 1992, alors que j’habitais à Montréal (Québec/Canada), un ami de mon ex-colocataire est venu à notre appartement pour nous montrer d’étranges photos. Ces dernières montraient qu'un petit être « gris » d’origine inconnue – de type entité biologique extraterrestre (EBE) – et apparemment sans vie, avait été trouvé par des motoneigistes dans un champ ou dans un boisé non loin de la route. Nous avons aussitôt demandé à cet ami à quel endroit il s’était procuré ces photos, et il nous a raconté qu’elles appartenaient à son cousin de la région de Rivière-Rouge, à l’Annonciation, au Québec. Ensuite, si je me souviens bien, il nous a raconté que, lors de la découverte du corps dans la neige, l’un des motoneigistes est allé chercher son appareil photo (possiblement un 35 mm) (notons que nous ne pouvons pas voir cet homme sur les photos, en raison – de toute évidence – qu’il est demeuré l’unique photographe) ainsi que d’autres témoins (visiblement les trois hommes que l’on peut distinguer sur les photos) ; ces derniers s’étant rendu à l’endroit de la découverte avec une automobile. En nous montrant l’une des photos en particulier, l’ami en question nous avait expliqué que les témoins avaient dû passer un câble sous les bras du petit être « gris », pour ainsi, avec l’aide d’une branche, être à même de pouvoir le soulever sans le toucher (peut-être par précaution pour ne pas laisser leurs empreintes, ou encore par peur de maladie ?). Intrigués, nous lui avons tout de suite demandé qu’est-ce qu’ils ont fait du corps ? Et il nous a expliqué qu’« étant tard, en fin de soirée – et probablement inconscients de l'importance de la chose – les témoins n'ont pas osé ramener le corps avec eux et, à leur retour au lendemain, ce dernier avait disparu. Les témoins ont donc supposé qu’un coyote ou autre animal sauvage avait probablement trouvé le corps et l’avait amené avec lui pour s’en faire un festin ». Voilà à première vue un comportement douteux, mais surtout et avant tout irresponsable. Compte tenu que ce genre d’erreur monumentale est souvent observé chez les non scientifiques, cela n’allait pas trop nous surprendre. Par la suite, nous lui avons demandé qu’est-ce qu’il allait faire de ces photos ? Et il nous a répondu qu’il allait essayer d’aller rencontrer quelqu’un du domaine de l’ufologie, afin d’essayer d’élucider ce mystère. Bref, avant qu’il ne parte, j’ai rapidement saisie ma caméra vidéo et j’ai filmé une à une les photos en question. Une histoire en suspend Quelques semaines plus tard, cet ami nous a rappelé et nous a dit qu’il était allé montrer les photos à une personne du domaine de l’ufologie – si ma mémoire est bonne, c’était un certain Claude Mac Duff (1946-2001), auteur de plusieurs livres sur les ovnis, dont « Le procès des soucoupes volantes » (éditions Québec/Amérique, 1975). Ce dernier lui aurait tout simplement dit que ce n’était pas la première fois qu’il voyait des photos de ce genre de petit être « gris », et qu’il lui conseillait donc de ne pas tenter de faire de l’argent avec cette histoire, ou encore de perdre du temps à la diffusion au public – où il serait discrédité et ridiculisé. Étonnés de cette conclusion, et ne voulant pas nous faire prendre pour des « hurluberlus » ou des « illuminés », nous avons tout bonnement décidé de garder cela pour nous, comme une sorte de secret. Ainsi, en 1992, comme c'est le cas pour la majorité des témoins de phénomènes inexpliqués, j'ai aussi eu la crainte, si je présentais cette vidéo au publique, que les gens finissent par se moquer de nous. Cette vidéo a donc dormie dans des boîtes de remisage pendant plus de 15 ans. Cette histoire est donc demeurée en suspend jusqu’en octobre 2008.
I came across this on secureteam10's youtube channel a while ago and wanted to share it for those who have not seen this yet.
So the story goes a group of alien researchers rediscovered this video on the deep web under the file name "EBE 1992, Eiger" and posted this video.
EBE stands for extraterrestrial biological entity
The EBE was said to be found in a wooded field by men on snowmobiles passing through the area, the individuals fearing contamination did not touch the body but used sticks and rope to lift the body off the ground to get a better look at it. The EBE was initially discovered covered in snow, these men saw the outline of a small body and investigated further.
These men became scared as one can imagine and fearing any possible contamination left the body where it was. They returned the next day but the body was gone.
The body was frozen solid. But clearly visible muscles, tendons, rib cage and other very real looking anatomical body parts are seen here. If this was a doll or fabricated hoax, someone really spent lots of money and time on a video hoax that wasn't released anywhere.
Further the style and quality of the video, the clothes the men are wearing and the style of flashlight that was seen used by the men, corroborate that the 1992 time period is accurate.
Last point here, the actual video itself that we can see, is said to be someone who took a video of a TV monitor that was playing the original video.
Lots of questions here, what do you guys think! I think there is definitely something here and can only hope that any of the actual witnesses can one day be found or will come out and tell there side of the story so we can hear and understand the whole picture here.
The following information is from the original video on YouTube. As the info is in French, I have translated it into English with Google Translate.
In 1992, while living in Montreal (Quebec/Canada), a friend of my former roommate came to our apartment to show us strange pictures. The latter showed that a small "gray" being of unknown origin - an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) - and apparently lifeless, had been found by snowmobilers in a field or wooded area not far from the road. We immediately asked this friend where he got these pictures, and he told us that they belonged to his cousin in the Rivière-Rouge region of Annonciation, Quebec. Then, if I remember correctly, he told us that when the body was discovered in the snow, one of the snowmobilers went to get his camera (possibly a 35mm) (note that we cannot see this man in the photos, due - obviously - that he remained the only photographer) as well as other witnesses (obviously the three men that can be seen in the photos); the latter having gone to the place of discovery with a car. In showing us one of the photos in particular, the friend in question had explained to us that the witnesses had to string a cable under the arms of the little "gray" being, so, with the help of a branch, to be able to lift it without touching it (perhaps as a precaution not to leave fingerprints, or for fear of disease?). Intrigued, we immediately asked him what did they do with the body? And he explained to us that "being late, at the end of the evening - and probably unaware of the importance of the thing - the witnesses did not dare to bring the body back with them and, when they returned to the next day, the latter had gone. The witnesses thus supposed that a coyote or other wild animal had probably found the body and had carried it away for a meal". At first glance, this is questionable behavior, but above all, above all, irresponsible. Given that this kind of monumental mistake is often observed among non-scientists, it was not going to surprise us too much. Subsequently, we asked him what would he do with these photos? And he told us that he would try to meet someone from the field of ufology, to try to elucidate this mystery. In short, before he left, I quickly grabbed my video camera and I filmed one by one the photos in question.
A pending story.
A few weeks later, this friend reminded us and told us that he went to show the photos to someone from the field of ufology - if I remember correctly, it was a certain Claude Mac Duff (1946-2001), author of several books on UFOs, including "The trial of flying saucers" (Quebec / America editions, 1975). The latter would have simply told him that it was not the first time he had seen pictures of this kind of "gray" being, and that he therefore advised him not to try to make money with this story, or to waste time broadcasting to the public - where it would be discredited and ridiculed. Surprised by this conclusion, and not wanting to be mistaken for "cranks" or "lights," we simply decided to keep this for ourselves as a sort of secret. Thus, in 1992, as is the case for most witnesses of unexplained phenomena, I also had the fear, if I presented this video to the public, that people end up making fun of us. This video has been sleeping in storage boxes for over 15 years. This story was therefore suspended until October 2008.
Broadcasting the video In October 2008, I finally decided to try my luck to find an answer to this mystery. Not equipped with video transfer devices to put it directly from VHS in electronic file, I had to film this video with my digital camera / video, by capturing the VHS version from my TV screen tube. I then put it online, on the Internet, thanks to the video streaming site "Youtube". Moreover, thanks to this formula, everyone can now remain anonymous and, avoiding the judgment of others, can thus present their testimonies or their discoveries in all peace of mind. To attract attention and facilitate keyword searching, I first titled it as "True Body of an Extraterrestrial in Quebec 1992", and then like this: "Discovering a Body" alien '' gray / Discovery '' short gray body Quebec 1992 ''. The broadcast of this video immediately made the snowball effect on the Internet. And a lot of ufology sites have passionately discussed it.
Lack of interest from investigators
To help the witnesses come forward or the investigators to express their interest, I left the email address at the bottom of the video description on Youtube. Strangely, at the beginning, when the video was published, there was only one Quebec investigator who came forward: a certain Mr. Morin from Ovni Quebec. He also published the details of the case on his website, where I used the pseudonym "Mr. R". In December 2008, a journalist from a regional newspaper in Rivière-Rouge (at the Annunciation) wrote an article about the video. We then communicated together by e-mail, in order to keep in touch in the event that witnesses present on the photos eventually come forward. In January 2009, I tried an approach with another investigator, but the latter, whom I will not name here to harm him, declined any investigation, mainly because the only proof I had was the VHS. By then, in 2013, there was a Mr. Garcia, from Mexico, working for a TV show called "Third Millennium". The latter wanted an interview on Skipe, something that I immediately declined, given the anonymity I wanted to keep. Then I put this case aside, by not going to see my emails, until January 2016. And there, I found that a certain Mr. Vadnais ufology group GARPAN had left a message dating in April 2014. The latter had kindly invited me to communicate with him - something that I had then suspended, given my disinterestedness in the case.
A serious analysis is born in 2016
In January 2016, the original video of 2008 had reached more than 430,000 visitors. And with the other versions (copies) diffused everywhere on the Internet, it would have reached approximately in the few millions of visitors - which is not nothing. On January 15, 2016, a person with the username "newbeat2012" posted an investigation and analysis video titled "Authentic Alien Gray EBE Footage Analyzed Quebec - 1992". The user in question also translated into English my descriptive text. The video shows astonishment of the physiognomic details of the body of the "gray" being found in Rivière-Rouge, revealing various proofs that cast doubt on the fact that it is only a manikin. The anatomical details of the "gray" being were revealed to be very similar to those of a human being. One distinguishes, among others, the impressive details of the eyes, the neck and more especially the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. The deltoid muscles (shoulders) and the coraco-brachialis muscle are defined with rather bewildering details. The muscles of the legs and other details of the kind do not presume any doubt about the biological quality of the little being "gray". In addition, the analysis shows that the texture and color of the skin has evidence of cold exposure. In all of this, one might be inclined to believe that it is a human corpse. However, the fact that the little "gray" being does not seem to have any apparent sexual or genital organs - not showing at the same time whether it is a male or a female - leads us to doubt whether it's a human being. Other important details like the length of the arms and the fingers reinforce the doubt in this direction. All that remains is the earthly hypothesis of a sort of mutant straight out of a genetic experiment in the laboratory. In short, this is an excellent investigative work. On September 24, 2016, a video titled "Real Alien E.B.E Dead On A Gurney Being Examined And Filmed" was posted on Youtube, by a person with the user name "Conspiracy & Lie Nibiru, UFOs". It showed the head of a little "gray" being strangely like the one found in Rivière-Rouge. However, this video and the user account have been removed from Youtube, for reasons I do not know. Nevertheless, I was able to get the picture of the "gray" being of the video in question before it was deleted.
Detractors lead the world?
Of course, as soon as the video was broadcast, critics immediately jumped at the chance to make fun of it. As we know, there are far too many detractors of unexplained phenomena. And the latter are often armed with eminent diplomas, so that people will be inclined to believe only them, preferring to ridicule the honest witnesses, and this, to sleep better at night. Indeed, as Christian Robert Page, a well-known investigative journalist in Quebec, said when he was talking about a file about an UFO that flew over downtown Montreal in 1990, in her book "Dossiers Mysteries 1" (editions Louise Courteau, 2008): "In similar cases, the media too easily accept the so-called explanations of experts who often do not know anything on the record, but who justify their intervention on behalf of of their diploma (s) "(p.231). However, in the world of investigators in the field of the unexplained (whether they are free or qualified investigators, investigative journalists or even bloggers), there are also a large number of "internal" detractors who, not having too much interest to be interested in certain cases, will simply close files, stating blindly that the lack of source or that the anonymity of the source is by no means worthy of credibility. Thus, as in the case of detractors, people will be as likely to believe only them. Sometimes it is even more harmful, given their affiliation and their interest as an investigator of the unexplained. Let us note here, parenthetically, that there is a serious lack of training in the field of investigators on the unexplained and investigative journalism. As for the field of metaphysical research and development on the unexplained, among several rules to observe, there are three important basic rules: 1) Do not close a folder if it has not even been created ; 2) Do not judge or comment on a case if there has been no investigation by mere personal disinterest or laziness to make one; 3) Do not use one's name or reputation to make one believe that one holds the truth about something that one has not yet and seriously investigated. In sum, what is surprising and disappointing at the same time is that despite the fact that few investigators have tried to know a little more by contacting me, thanks to the email address left available to all, a very large number of investigators gave their opinion here and there about this case ... Is not this something revealing about the lack of seriousness in this area ... No matter the field of interest, before claiming to be a "journalist" or "investigator", every person must have followed a real training - and have succeeded. Anyway, aside from unexplained phenomena, we know in any case that the vast majority of people are not ready to face the possibility of contact with other intelligences. Being the dominant race of the planet, they prefer to make fun of the prospects of existence or contact with extraterrestrial entities or conscious forces invisible to the eye, believing in this way to be able to preserve their small personal security. On this, we can say that it is generally a reaction to fear in front of the unknown. Personal opinion of the case To be honest with you, before the analysis of 2016, every time I watched this video, I thought of the many possibilities explaining the scene in question: Is this a mere model? In the early 90's, was it expensive to make such a well-defined mannequin? Would this be something theatrical, assembled from scratch to impress the gallery? Could it be a failed hoax? Anyway, I was also wondering if around 1990 to 1992, there were UFO witnesses in the area? By the way, would there be a connection with the UFO observed above Place Bonaventure in Montreal for more than three hours on the evening of November 7, 1990? Now, by looking at things differently, a bit like the conspiracy, I even came to wonder if this little "gray" being could come from the former Canadian Forces station La Macaza, a few kilometers from the where he was found. It became a correctional center in 1978, and its sheds and military barracks are still used as warehouses. From 1968 to 1972, the army built the operation site of the 447th anti-aircraft missile squadron, which used the controversial missiles. ICD-10 BOMARC nuclear weapons. Now, by hypothesis, would it be possible for the army to have shot something unidentified, and that the soldiers would have secretly kept in these hangars? Despite this, I am nevertheless convinced of nothing.
Falsificación deliberada

Esta versión incluye cualquier falsificación que imite fenómenos inexplicables como desde el exterior: bromas, flashmobs, noticias falsas, engaño de testigos, escenificaciones, etc.
Hay muchas maneras de hacer algo similar a un fantasma o un platillo volador con materiales improvisados, sin usar videos y fotomontajes.
Muchas cosas caseras hechas para una broma, una broma o una imitación directa de un ser o evento místico pueden confundirse con algo inexplicable no solo en fotos y videos, sino también en la realidad.
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