ID | #1489419962 |
Añadido | Lun, 13/03/2017 |
Autor | July N. |
OTHER SOURCES & ARTICLES: Oscar Galindez, “Unusual Photographs from Argentina,” in Flying Saucer Review vol. 13 no. 1 (Jan/Feb 1
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
Esta foto es considerado uno de los mejores, registrados en la argentina, pero prácticamente desconocido entre los de habla inglesa de ovnis, ya que fue publicado sólo en revistas españolas. Quizás es por esta razón que se ha escapado de la atención de profesionales разоблачителей.
El 3 de julio de 1960, el capitán hugo Ниотти (Hugo Niotti) iba de Яканто (Yacanto) en la ciudad de córdoba (Cordoba). El tiempo era lluvioso — моросил la lluvia y el cielo cubierto de nubes, colgado bajo sobre la tierra. El camino estaba bastante resbaladizo, y el capitán Ниотти centró toda la atención en la conducción.
Aproximadamente a las 16:30 se encontraba en la zona de la aldea de villa general belgrano (Villa General Belgrano), a unos 70 km de córdoba, cuando de repente notó bastante inusual objeto bloqueado cerca de la tierra a la derecha de la carretera.
Sorprendido, se detuvo el coche, agarró su cámara (afortunadamente, ella se acostó junto a él en el asiento trasero) y, al salir de un coche, fotografió un objeto que se movía lentamente. Hasta que перематывал la película, para hacer otra foto, el objeto comenzó a acelerarse y desapareció en las nubes.
El incidente duró unos 40 segundos en silencio absoluto. Esa terrible silencio en combinación con mal clima y la rapidez de un incidente provocó el capitán Ниотти sensación de irrealidad. Desconcertado, el hombre se sentó en el coche y siguió su camino en córdoba, donde y procesado de la película.
He aquí la descripción del capitán Ниотти de lo que había visto:
El objeto era de forma cónica, con una altura de 7-8 metros y un diámetro de base de 3-4 metros. Se encontraba en "decúbito supino", cuando su eje — casi paralelo al suelo, y el fundamento de delante de mí. Cono lentamente giraba a una distancia de 80 -100 metros de mí y así lentamente se movía en paralelo a la tierra hacia el sur. Luego él muy rápidamente se aceleró, velocidad de mecanografía por 3-4 segundos, quizás de hasta 200 km/hora y desapareció en las nubes bajas. Esta súbita aceleración es беззвучным que me sorprendió, ya que me encontraba tan cerca. El color de un objeto oscuro gris y uniforme. Superficie completamente lisa, sin soldaduras o remaches, y tenía un brillo metálico.
El capitán Ниотти habló sobre la insólita reunión de sólo unos pocos oficiales — de sus colegas, que han convencido enviar los negativos y copias de seguridad en la "Revista Nacional de Aeronautica" (RNA). La redacción de esta revista ocial de la remitió una foto en el "Servicio de Informaciones de Aeronautica" (SIA) de la organización de mantenimiento de la fuerza aérea.
SIA dio a la conclusión de autenticación de la fotografía y la fotografía fue publicada en la edición de noviembre de la edición de RNA por el año 1960. En los años siguientes, esta foto muchas veces explorado, pero el rastro de la falsificación no ha sido revelado.
En la foto hay dos interesantes detalles que desea seleccionar. Cuando el capitán Ниотти vio el objeto, entonces él lo tomó de un solo color. Cuál no sería su sorpresa, cuando después de que el procesamiento de la película y de la impresión de la fotografía, parece que la base del cono negro mate, sin ningún tipo de matices. El resto de cono fue mucho más claro.
La segunda pieza, en la foto hay un caballo, cuya cabeza está en la dirección del objeto. Cualquier persona familiarizada con la rural de la vida, sabe que los caballos en las praderas cerca de carreteras indiferentes al movimiento de coches. Sin embargo, el caballo parece, ve directamente en el objeto situado a medio camino entre ella y el camino. Es interesante que el capitán Ниотти sorprendió mucho cuando vio el caballo de la fotografía, así como no se había dado cuenta de ella en el momento del incidente — toda su atención estaba concentrada en el objeto.
La presencia de caballos en la foto permitió determinar el tamaño del objeto y de la distancia. Argentinos, los investigadores han determinado que el caballo era de aproximadamente 80 metros de la carretera, y el objeto se encontraba a una altura de 17 metros por encima del suelo, no más de 50 metros de capitán Ниотти. No es de extrañar, que fue sorprendido en absoluto silencio.
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Noticias originales
On July 3, 1960, then Captain Niotti was driving from Yacanto toward Cordoba. The weather was inclement, typical of what one would expect for that area in the middle of winter. It was drizzling off and on, and the cloud deck was very low, perhaps 100-150 m.. The road was rather slippery, and Capt. Niotti was concentrating hard on his driving.[map id=”232″]
Full Report
This sighting is one of the best recorded in Argentina, but it is practically unknown to English-speaking ufologists as it has been published in Spanish magazines only. Perhaps for that very reason it has escaped the attention of the professional debunkers, but a more likely cause is that it is an extraordinary case for which their usual hand-waving techniques simply would not work. It is a single-witness case, but this witness is a high-ranking officer of the Argentinean Air Force (AAF), who by a fluke was able to obtain a remarkable photograph as supporting evidence of his encounter.
Even in Argentina, and perhaps due to the association of the witness with the AAF, the case was not given much publicity until 1977, when it finally was reported in UFO PRESS.
The witness in this sighting is Hugo F. Niotti, then a captain of the AAF assigned to the Air Force School for Sub-officers located in the city of Cordoba. Contrary to what many would expect, his involvement in the case did not affect his military career, and seventeen years later, when finally interviewed by Roncoroni, he had risen to the high rank of vice-commodore, occupying a responsible position with the AAF.
On July 3, 1960, then Captain Niotti was driving from Yacanto toward Cordoba. The weather was inclement, typical of what one would expect for that area in the middle of winter. It was drizzling off and on, and the cloud deck was very low, perhaps 100-150 m.. The road was rather slippery, and Capt. Niotti was concentrating hard on his driving.
At approximately 4:30 PM, he was in the area of Villa General Belgrano, about 70 Km from the city of Cordoba. He had finished negotiating a wide S-curve, when he suddenly noticed a rather close and unusual object hovering near the ground to the right of the road.
Startled, he stopped the car, grabbed his camera, fortunately next to him on the seat, moved a few steps away, and proceeded to take a photo of the object, which was moving slowly. While he was engaged in winding the film to take a second shot, the object started to accelerate and disappeared into the clouds, which as stated, were very low.
The whole incident had lasted about 40 seconds and had developed into the most absolute silence. This eerie silence, coupled with the bad weather and the abruptness of the incident, gave Capt. Niotti a sense of irreality, which puzzled and confused him. In this mood, he jumped back into his car and continued his trip to Cordoba, where he proceeded to have the film processed.
Here is Capt. Niotti’s description of what he had seen. The object was conical in shape, with a height of 7-8 meters and a base diameter of 3-4 meters, with its axis almost parallel to the ground and its base facing the witness. It was at a distance of 80 to 100 meters from his location and moving very slowly toward the south, perhaps at 10 KPH, always parallel to the ground. It was rotating, also very slowly. It then accelerated very rapidly, attaining a speed of perhaps 200 KPH in 3 or 4 seconds, and disappeared into the low cloud bank. This sudden acceleration without any sound was inexplicable to the witness in view of his proximity.
The color of the object was a uniform dark gray. The surface was perfectly smooth without joints or rivets and had a definite metallic aspect.
As an officer of the AAF, Niotti was naturally reluctant to divulge his experience and initially told only a few fellow officers, who persuaded him to send the negatives and copies to the “Revista Nacional de Aeronautica” (RNA); the editors of this official magazine transmitted the photo to the “Servicio de Informaciones de Aeronáutica (SIA), a technical service available to the Air force.
The SIA gave a good bill of health to the photo, and the sighting was reported by the RNA in its issue of November, 1960. It is remarkable that never before or after have the Armed Forces made public the results of a UFO investigation.
In the years to follow, many examinations of this photo have been done except, perhaps, by the so-called debunkers, and no negative options have been voiced.
There are two interesting details in the photo which must be emphasized. When Capt. Niotti saw the object, his perception was of a uniform color; thus, he was surprised –after developing the film— that in the photographic image the base of the cone is a dull black, without any gradation of color in spite of being oriented toward the sun, which was hidden by the clouds. The rest of the cone appears much lighter, to the point that it is sometimes difficult to obtain copies showing it clearly, due to the high contrast between the base and the sky background. The edges of the base, in the original negative, appear sharp and well-defined, even more defined that other elements appearing in the photograph. It seems as if the base of the cone were a total sink of radiation, reflecting no light.
The copy of the photo presented in this report is from a second-generation negative, and its quality does not compare with the prints made from the original negative.
The other anomalous detail in the photo is the presence of a horse whose head is turned around, its attention apparently drawn by the object. As anyone familiar with a rural environment knows, horses kept in pastures near roads become totally indifferent to traffic and will not interrupt their grazing for the presence of a car. Nevertheless, the horse seems to be looking directly at the object, placed halfway between him and the road.
The existence of the horse is fortunate, as it has allowed some estimates of sizes and distances. The Argentinean investigators have performed some photogrammetry using the original negative, and report that the horse is about 80 meters from the road, which places the object at no more than 50 meters from Capt. Niotti. No wonder he was surprised by the absolute silence!.
On the basis of these estimates, the dimensions of the cone were 7 m. in height and 6 m. in diameter, and it was 17 meters above the ground, in good agreement with the numbers indicated by Capt. Niotti.
But the most interesting detail, which I have reserved for the end, is that Capt. Niotti was extremely surprised when he inspected the copies of the photo and saw the horse, as he had not noticed its presence during the incident. This is a clear indication of his concentration while taking the photo, and his disorientation after the sudden departure of the object when he just jumped back into his car and continued his trip.
A case with a single witness usually is not even considered for incorporation into UNICAT, but in this instance we have two circumstances that allow an exception to the rule.
First, we have a competent witness, trained by his profession to observe details, who did not lose his presence of mind when confronted with the unknown. On the contrary, he reacted promptly, snatching his camera and jumping out of his car to obtain a unique graphic document.
And second, the photograph by itself lends enough credibility to the case to make it deserve serious consideration. Not only has the photo repeatedly been shown to be genuine, but it is inconceivable that the Air Force officer would compromise his career with a fabrication that would bring him nothing but problems and discredit. For those who know Vice-commodore Niotti, this option is unthinkable.
From the UNICAT viewpoint, the case also offers some interesting characteristics which confirm its value. Among the many parameters searched for when studying the case, there are two that are considered as particularly significant because of their high statistical incidence. Both of them apply to this sighting:
DR: driving a vehicle
LR: lonely road or place
The first of these parameters appears in the UNICAT data base with a frequency of 33.8%, while LR shows a frequency of 37.9%, both of them being included within the ten most frequent parameters.
A third parameter that is not so frequent, but that seems to occur in significant cases, is also found for this incident. It is the RC parameter, i.e., “rounding a curve”. It indicates that the witness suddenly notices the phenomenon when coming out of a curve in the road.
Los defectos en las fotografías y copias impresas

Hay una serie de defectos característicos de las fotografías. Se relacionan con las características de la película y los principios de la impresión fotográfica.
Carrete en esencia, se trata de la cinta transparente de plástico sintético, que tiene en ella светочувствительным capa de sustancias químicas, capaces de modificar su transparencia o la propiedad bajo la acción de la luz.
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