ID | #1597337478 de hechos |
Añadido | Jue, 13/08/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Hanson and Holloway 2011b p 62citing investigation by Dick Thompson
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
George Allan Bruitt, de 55 años, estaba mirando por la ventana de Trent View en esta noche cálida, seca y tranquila cuando un objeto apareció repentinamente 1,5 km al noreste entre los dos árboles.
Era un triángulo que se asemejaba a un cono de helado invertido, flotando un metro o dos sobre el suelo y mostrando una gran cantidad de flores entrelazadas. Era tan brillante que George tuvo que alejarse. Después de 10 minutos, la cosa desapareció.
Noticias originales
Date: August 1968
Time: Early evening.
Summary: George Allan Brewitt (55) was looking out of his Trent View window on this warm, dry, still evening when an object suddenly appeared between two trees about 1.5km to the north-east. It was a triangle that resembled in inverted ice cream cone, hovering a metre or two above the ground and showing multiple, interlocked colours. It was so bright that George had to look away. After 10 minutes the thing just disappeared.
Source: Hanson and Holloway 2011b p 62citing investigation by Dick Thompson
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