ID | #1507714253 |
Добавлен | ср, 11/10/2017 |
Автор | July N. |
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Состояние | Исследование
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Семейная пара из Малайзии в пятницу 6 октября 2017 года поймала на камеру таинственное существо, которое скользило по полу их ванной комнаты после того, как выбралось из туалета.
25-летний Зуль Ханиф Анип и его жена Путери, жители города Алоре Сетар, расположенного на севере страны вблизи границы с Таиландом, предположили, что двухметровое создание с маленькой головой и очень толстым телом, не похожее ни на одну местную змею, обитало в канализационных трубах под их домом.
«Я думаю, что существо выросло в трубах, связанных с туалетом, потому что я проверил и не нашел отверстия, через которое оно могло бы попасть внутрь, - сказал Анип. - Мой дом окружен рисовыми полями, возможно, оно появилось оттуда»».
Храбрая супружеская пара поймала черного монстра в мешок и выпустила его в ближайшую реку. К сожалению, благодаря их гуманному поступку, так и не получится ответить на вопрос «Что же это могло быть?».
Оригинальная новость
The creature is believed to have been born in the plumbing network and only appeared after it got too big for the pipes
THIS is the chilling moment a mystery creature slithered out of a family's bathroom after it apparently emerged from the toilet.
The enormous snake-like beast is believed to have been born in the plumbing network and only appeared after it got too big for the pipes.
Zul Hanif Anip, 25, was at home in Alor Setar, Malaysia, with wife Puteri when the animal, believed to be a snake, appeared last Friday.
He took out his camera and filmed the moment it slid out from behind the bathroom door to survey its surroundings.
The two-metre long animal had a tiny head and a short, thick body - different to a python or other breeds of snake.
The video lasts several seconds, however it is not clear what the creature is - or if it is even real.
Zul, a photographer, said: "It was scary. It came up through the toilet. No one had been throwing away the water.
"I think the creature grew up inside the pipe works connected to the toilet hole, because I have checked and there is no entry point for it to have got inside.
"He was about two metres long with a very fat, thick body. I'm not sure if it was a snake or a kind of tidal creature or from the swamp.
"It's head was very small and it had a short tail, which did not look like a snake.
"There was a child in the house at the time but this creature would not have eaten humans. I think it would have bitten them and left its teeth inside.
"My house is surrounded by paddy fields so it may have originated from there."
Zul and wife Puteri put the animal into a sack and released it into a nearby river.
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