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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1636555628
Добавлен ср, 10/11/2021
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
Соединённые Штаты Америки

От свидетеля:

"Я заметил то, что сразу подумал, что это вертолет на расстоянии 300-400 футов, прямо через улицу и над линией деревьев ... он завис в течение 2 или 3 минут после того, как я его заметил ... не движется, мигает или что-то в этом роде.

Единственное, что я заметил, это своего рода волнистость воздуха, окружающего объект ...

У меня было как раз достаточно времени, чтобы сделать снимок на камеру, а затем я сделал снимок на свой мобильный телефон прямо перед это исчезло".

Оригинальная новость

Date: January 31, 2008
Location: Indiana, United States

From the witness: "I noticed what I immediately thought was a helicopter about 300-400 feet away, just across the street and above the tree-line... it hung around for 2 or 3 minutes after I noticed it... not moving or flashing or anything. The only thing I noticed was a sort of wavy-ness of the air surrounding the object... I had just enough time to take a picture on my camera and then I got one on my cell phone right before it "disappeared".

Cropped and enhanced with contrast.

Full picture (resized to smaller, and enhanced with contrast)

Full picture (resized only to smaller size).

Cropped and enlarged (also contrast enhanced).

Source: MUFON - Mutual UFO Network (mufon.com)

Report and photographs submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network - mufon.com):

Report from the witness:


"I was home alone and decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and maybe find a snack. Just as I approached the kitchen/dining room area (they're the same room and we have a bay-window/patio door there), I noticed what I immediately thought was a helicopter about 300-400 feet away, just across the street and above the tree-line. Because we kind of live in the country, I thought that was unusual... then it hit me that I couldn't hear any noise at all! And then, the obvious shape difference hit me like a bag of rocks and I ran for my camera - literally (I almost tripped over a rug).

I don't know how long it was there before I saw it, but it hung around for 2 or 3 minutes after I noticed it... not moving or flashing or anything. The only thing I noticed was a sort of wavy-ness of the air surrounding the object - that's probably what stuck me most, actually. It resembled kind of what you see over a hot road on a summer day. It was getting dark, but I distinctly remember the dark tree line shimmering just below the object, against the sky-glow.

I had just enough time to take a picture on my camera (before the batteries died), and then I got one on my cell phone right before it "disappeared" -- I say that, because I believe it just went directly away from me at a high speed very suddenly... it actually appeared to grow smaller and disappear, but curve up slightly as it was doing so. The direction was about directly westward, I believe.

Long ago, when I was a young kid, I remember seeing a funny light in the sky (from very far away) and watching it do all sorts of "tricks" ~ but I couldn't actually see it as an object. This is the only other time that I have seen something this close, that I know from my own eyes what I saw in a detailed manner. Very exciting indeed (although the first couple nights were difficult to sleep well!)"


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