ID | #1492243551 |
Добавлен | сб, 15/04/2017 |
Автор | July N. |
Источники | |
Феномены | |
Состояние | Расследование
Исходная информация
12 апреля профессиональный фотограф сделал серию фотографий для рекламного плаката KBS. Фотограф был очень удивлен, что снял НЛО, т.к. в момент съемок ничего необычного не видел.
Оригинальная новость
It is really glad that I am writing a UFO report about my resent findings. Last Wednesday, 12th April, one of the our professional photographers took several series of continuous shooting, while taking a promotional poster of our newly launched drama of KBS in central Seoul, South Korea We are really surprised as well as thrilled that we captured a stunning moment that UFO was flying in front of our lens It was clear sky on that day and 7 out of 9 photos seem normal and only 3 of them captured black spots behind two actor and actress. They are attached files : CHA_2648, CHA_2688 and CHA_2689 The photographer has never acknowledged that he captured UFO-like object while shooting and there was no suspicious smell nor sound came out on the shooting site. With the photographer, there were other directors and crews making the drama and they have not acknowledged the fact he took photos of UFO either. We have tried our best what he has taken and what they are, but there was no specialist in South Korea, who is able to investigate the photographed UFO at this moment. We would love you to have a look at those photos and if you find something suspicious, please inform me whether it is really UFOs or not through this email. It is really thankful that your dedication to defining UFO in advance.
Запуски ракет (с сайта
- Место: Xichang Space Center (Songlin), Sichuan (China) Носитель: CZ-3B/G2 Нагрузка: SJ 13 / ZX 16 (ChinaSat 16)
Объекты размыты. Вероятнее всего это обычные птицы, поскольку они явно довольно быстро двигались в момент съемок и не вызывали удивление у снимающих.
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