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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1695370598
Añadido Vie, 22/09/2023
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
22.05.1973 23:00
Атлантический океан
Estados Unidos

Richard Dolan descubrió un caso enterrado en la base de datos del centro nacional de informes de Ovnis relacionado con la guardia costera de los Estados Unidos en 1973.

Esto incluyó un increíble encuentro con un OVNI en medio del océano Atlántico, la confiscación de fotos por los "Hombres de negro" y la intimidación de testigos.

El incidente ocurrió en el verano de 1973 en algún lugar en medio del océano Atlántico. Las coordenadas exactas y el lugar específico permanecen sin revelar, lo que agrega misterio a este evento.

El incidente comenzó cuando la tripulación de un barco de la guardia costera de los Estados Unidos notó un objeto inusual en el cielo. Los testigos describieron cómo estos objetos flotaban y maniobraban de una manera que contradecía las capacidades de los aviones convencionales. Emitió luces extrañas y mostró movimientos caóticos, dejando al equipo perplejo y ansioso.

En un audaz intento de documentar el fenómeno inexplicable, varios miembros de la tripulación de la guardia costera lograron fotografiar el objeto no identificado. Estas fotografías debían servir como un testimonio Visual crucial del encuentro.

Uno de los aspectos más notables de este incidente fue la supuesta intervención de personalidades misteriosas comúnmente conocidas como "Hombres de negro". Algunos creen que estas personas, que a menudo aparecen en informes relacionados con Ovnis, son agentes del gobierno encargados de ocultar o desacreditar la evidencia relacionada con Ovnis.

En este caso, los Hombres de negro supuestamente subieron a bordo de un barco de la guardia costera y confiscaron evidencia fotográfica, así como cualquier otro registro o documentación relacionada con el incidente.

Los miembros de la tripulación que presenciaron e intentaron documentar el encuentro con la UAP informaron sentirse amenazados e intimidados por los Hombres de negro. Estas personas supuestamente advirtieron a los testigos que no discutieran el incidente con nadie y expresaron un sentido de secreto y urgencia.

El incidente, al igual que muchos otros enfrentamientos de la OLP con personal militar, estaba envuelto en un misterio. Los detalles de este evento supuestamente se clasificaron u ocultaron, lo que dificultó el acceso de los investigadores y el público a información completa.

"El OVNI estaba cayendo sobre nosotros. Podríamos ver lo que yo llamaría ojos de buey. Giré mientras se colgaba. Las luces cambiaron de color. Luego se levantaría en un segundo y se volvería muy pequeño. Luego parecía presumir, como si supiera que lo estábamos observando. Se aceleraría por el cielo en una fracción de segundo, moviéndose en ángulo recto", dijo un testigo ocular.

Muchas fotos de esta nave fueron tomadas con un teleobjetivo. Recuerdo que estaba ansioso por ver las fotos después de que se mostraran. Nunca los he visto.

Cuando nos liberaron del Servicio en la estación oceánica, nos dirigimos de regreso a Governor Island, Yankee Pier, donde estaba nuestro puerto de origen. No esperábamos la Recepción que nos dieron. Cuando atracamos, vi a un buen número de" hombres de negro " esperando abordar nuestro barco.

Por lo general, después de atracar, si no estaba de Servicio, nos dieron libertad por lo general durante 72 horas. A nadie se le permitió salir de la nave. Todos fuimos interrogados uno por uno por estos "hombres de negro". Nos dijeron que firmáramos un testimonio escrito que decía que no habíamos visto nada. Nos advirtieron que si se lo decíamos a alguien, ya no estaríamos.

"Nos dijeron que no nos pusiéramos en contacto con ningún medio de comunicación y tratáramos de contar esta historia. Si lo hiciéramos, seríamos responsables por parte del gobierno".

Entonces, se hace evidente que realmente tenemos una gran cantidad de datos sobre estos eventos; simplemente está envuelto en misterio, oculto a la vista del público.

Noticias originales

Occurred: 1973-05-22 23:00:00 Local
Location: Atlantic Ocean (USCG Cutter "Spencer"), , Unspecified
Reported: 2010-07-31 14:54:55 Pacific
Posted: 2010-08-24 00:00:00
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

UFO sighting aboard Coast Guard Cutter Spencer

As per your phone call earlier today, I will restate what we experienced while aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Spencer WHEC-36, (commissioned in 1936 and decommissioned in 1974.

There is a new Spencer in service, but this is not the one I was aboard. My ship was a 327 ft Cutter. It can be viewed if you google Coast Guard Cutter Spencer WHEC-36. I have tried to the best of my ability to recall the date, but since we stood so many Ocean Stations, it is hard to remember which of those this occured.

The conditions were warm, seas calm, and sighting occured during the night. There were 140 mean aboard the Spencer, and a large number of my fellow crewmen witnessed what I did. Officers and enlisted men saw what I saw.

I remember a ((specialty deleted)) had some state-of-the-art photo equipment. I think he had an Olympus camera with telephoto lens. He was at least one crewmen photographing this UFO. We were in the middile of the Atlantic, all running ligh! ts on as usual.

I remember someone saying come on deck, there's a UFO. The UFO had bright lights that changed color. It was if the UFO was checking us out. A ship with all its running lights on would be easily seen from above in the Atantic. I was ((specialty deleted)). Some names I remember were fellow ((specialties deleted)). ((name #1 deleted)), ((name #2 deleted)) and ((name #3 deleted)). I can't be sure they were aboard for this Duty, but I'm sure at least one was. I can not remember the others.

The UFO would come down hovering above us. We could see what I would describe as portholes. I rotated as it hovered. The lights changed color. Then it would go up in a second becoming very small. Then it seemed to show off, as if it knew we were watching it. It would accelerate across the sky in a split second while doing right angles.

Many photos of this craft were taken with telephoto lens. I remember I couldn't wait to see the photos after they were developed. I never saw them. The show lasted about an hour. Messages of this sighting were sent to Washington, DC.!

When we were relieved from Ocean Station Duty, we headed back to Governor's Island, Yankee Pier, where was our home port. We were not expecting the reception that we received. As we were docking, I saw quite a few "Men In Black" waiting to board our ship. Usually after docking, if you did not have duty, we were granted liberty of usually 72 hours. No one was allowed to leave the ship. We were all interrogated one by one by these "Men In Black". We were told to sign an affidavit, stating we saw nothing. We were warned that if we mention this to anyone, we would be gone.

We were told not to go to any news media, and try and tell this story. If we did, we would be prosecuted by the govenment.

I found out later that my friend, the ((specialty deleted)) had all of his photo equipment, pictures, and developing equipment confiscated. He was not reimbursed for any of his expensive equipment, it was simply taken from him.

I will end the story here, to be brief as possible. Please give me a call at ((number deleted)) my home phone after recieving this, so I know you received it. Please keep this confidential as possible. I'm sure you will. I will research the Internent and my old photos, to see if I can get some crewmember names.

Thank you,


Ref: UFO sighting CGC Spencer.

I await further correspondence.

I have obtained quite a few names and their ranks of men who served aboard the CGC Spencer. I have tried to contact as many as possible by leaving my email at a web site devoted to those who served aboard the CGC Spencer. No one has responded as yet, but this is one of those sites where you post comments on a board. If you would like to check the site out its www.fred'splace.org then at the right site click on CGC Cutters M thru Z, then Spencer, then during the 70's. I am not sure if I sent you an email address, so you may contact me at ((name deleted)) I appreciate your confidentiality of all info supplied. Do you have a time frame needed before going on the air again? I have agreed to be on your program.

Thank You!



I have roughly 30 names of my shipmates, as well as, the captain and 1st Lt of Operations' names. I will not enter their names in this box as instructed. I will await further correspondence. Are you still planning to have me as a guest on the radio?

Thank You



Witness indicates that the date of the sighting in the early 1970's is approximate. We spoke via telephone with this witness, and he seemed to us to be an exceptionally good observer, and reporter of fact. PD


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