ID | #1673355489 |
Añadido | Mar, 10/01/2023 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
Los objetos luminosos vistos por dos testigos oculares comienzan a alejarse, y luego todos ellos parecen estar repentinamente espaciados uniformemente, permaneciendo en una formación deliberada en el cielo nocturno.
El testigo afirma:
Grandes luces brillantes sin sonido se mueven al unísono y se desvanecen lentamente en el cielo nocturno.
Noticias originales
Date of sighting: 9-3-2022
Location of sighting: Bixby, Oklahoma, USA
Source: MUFON case #127833
Watch this video and you will notice how the glowing objects seen by the two eyewitnesses, begins to move away and then they all just seem to suddenly become evenly spaced apart, staying in a deliberate formation in the night sky. The objects begin to disappear, not because they fade or hide, but because they are moving away from the eyewitnesses. Not only does this video show us the white colors orbs, but it also shows the movement of them in unison and how they made a formation before shooting away. As they shot away, they didn't rise higher, but kept a constant hight as they vanished. Just mind boggling to see.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states: Large bright lights with no sound moving in unison and slowly vanishes in the night sky.
Linterna Celestial

La linterna del cielo (linterna China, linterna tailandesa) es una construcción luminosa de papel volador hecha de papel de arroz estirado sobre un marco de madera ligero, un anillo de bambú, un quemador.
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