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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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Yeti. Estados Unidos

ID #1666623160
Añadido Lun, 24/10/2022
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha de origen: 
озеро Камберленд
Estados Unidos

La mujer sugiere que puede haber encontrado rastros de Bigfoot después de que su perro persiguió el olor en un paseo junto al mar.

Al compartir imágenes del rastro con el grupo Bigfoot Believers en Facebook, Tracy Jones reveló que hizo un descubrimiento impactante en el lago Cumberland en Kentucky, EE.

"Nuestro perro olió algo que estábamos buscando y encontró estas huellas [SIC]", escribió.

Las fotos muestran a dos niños explorando un rastro misterioso que parece estar a una o dos pulgadas de profundidad en el barro. En una foto, el pie de Tracy está cerca de la pista.

Agregó en la sección de comentarios que la familia abandonó la playa poco después de que se tomaron las fotos, ya que "los niños se asustaron".

Varias personas respondieron a la publicación compartiendo una experiencia similar y espeluznante en el área del lago Cumberland.

Noticias originales

A woman reckons she may have found Bigfoot tracks after her dog chased after a smell on a beachfront walk.

Sharing images of the footprint to the Bigfoot Believers Facebook group, Tracy Jones revealed she made the shocking discovery at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky, US.

"Our dog blue was smelling something we followed and found these footprints [sic]," she wrote.

In the photographs two children can be seen investigating the mystery footprint, which appears to be an inch or two deep in the mud.

One snap shows Tracy's foot side-by-side with the footprint. It dwarfs her trainer.

She added in the comments section that the family left the beach shortly after the photographs were taken as the "kids got scared".

Several people reacted to the post, sharing similar spooky experiences in the Lake Cumberland area.

One wrote: "Was visiting sister in Campbellsburg, KY [Kentucky]. It was about 12:30 AM and we had left casino and had crossed back into KY and driving a very dark freeway as no other headlights around when something very dark and hairy walked across the roadway in front of us.

"I slowed in panic, we wondered aloud how a monkey got on the freeway. It was large, a gorilla? We both decided it had to be a bear as how could it be anything but, but it walked upright.

"We both agree we saw something we have never witnessed before. It stepped over the railing. I now believe a Bigfoot lives in KY [sic]."

Another said: "That area was my first experience at 76” falls. Be careful, they [the Sasquatches] weren’t nice and were trying to sink our boat with boulders and rocks in the middle of the night while we were anchored up."

"I have heard there are Bigfoot at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky, stay safe, and keep your dog safe too," a third comment read.

Although a handful of people argued that the print belonged to a "bear", others pointed the finger at Bigfoot or "Dogman" - a canine-like bipedal creature rumoured to prowl the woods of eastern America.

Elsewhere in the comments section Tracy revealed that she thinks the footprint is "legit".


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  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
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  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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