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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1632839863
Añadido Mar, 28/09/2021
Autor July N.

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Полсборо, NJ
Estados Unidos

Filadelfia, Pensilvania, BOLETÍN, 24 de enero de 1916, PP.

Después de los informes de la aeronave sobre las plantas de DuPont, se les pide a los representantes de la sociedad que vigilen las máquinas

Los agentes federales le pidieron a Robert E. Glendinning y Clark Thomson, conocidos en círculos públicos y propietarios de hidroaviones, que protegieran sus aviones para que no pudieran usarse en un ataque aéreo a los molinos de Pólvora de Dupont en nueva Jersey y Delaware.

Los investigadores del gobierno exigieron que los "barcos voladores" que se almacenan a lo largo del río Delaware fueran desmontados o protegidos, y se les informó que partes de los motores de cada uno se retiraron en noviembre pasado cuando los aviadores dejaron de volar durante el invierno.

Glendinning y Clark, a menos que las piezas faltantes sean reemplazadas por expertos, aseguraron los investigadores. También dijeron que estaban seguros de que sus máquinas no se habían utilizado sin su conocimiento.

Se cree que la visita de los investigadores federales se vio afectada por informes difundidos en ciudades cercanas a Pennsgrove, nueva Jersey, de que se podía escuchar a un avión girando sobre los molinos de pólvora por la noche.

Glendinning es miembro de Robert Glendinning and Company, banqueros de Fourth and Chestnut Street, y Thomson es hijo del ex presidente del ferrocarril de Pensilvania.

Glendinning tiene un hangar en Essington, justo debajo del Philadelphia Yacht Club, y el auto del Sr. Thomson estaba almacenado en una tienda de campaña junto al campo de tiro junto al mar en el astillero naval de Filadelfia.

Dos residentes de Paulsborough y varios trabajadores contratados en la planta de dinamita de Gibbstown afirman haber escuchado claramente el zumbido de la hélice del avión sobre la ciudad y la planta, y dicen que un automóvil voló sobre la planta la noche de la explosión cuando cinco personas resultaron heridas recientemente.

Jesse K. Wilkerson y Wilbert MacLaine son residentes de Paulsborough que afirman categóricamente haber escuchado el avión y que ellos y sus vecinos se cayeron de la cama cuando se sintieron atraídos por el ruido en el cielo. No podían ver el auto. Glendinning admitió hoy que los agentes federales están investigando.

"No tengo derecho a revelar qué información me han comunicado los agentes", afirmó. "Es cierto que me visitaron y me preguntaron sobre mi automóvil y si había algún peligro de que pudiera ser robado para una incursión en una fábrica de pólvora. Le dije a mi visitante que mi auto había sido desmontado y que era seguro".

Los oficiales federales aquí niegan haber participado activamente en la investigación y dicen que los investigadores podrían haber venido de Washington.

Después de las explosiones en las fábricas de Dupont en nueva Jersey, se rumoreó repetidamente que los aviadores tenían la culpa y que los explosivos habían sido arrojados a los edificios. Los funcionarios de Dupont Powder Company dijeron que no confiaban en los informes y agregaron que no sabían nada sobre los interrogatorios de Glendinning y Thomson sobre sus aviones.

Cada una de las fábricas de pólvora está tan protegida por guardias armados y cercas de alambre altas que, según las declaraciones oficiales de Dupont, el ataque de los enemigos, excepto desde el cielo, se declara imposible. Explican todas las explosiones en sus trabajos por negligencia de los empleados o accidentes inevitables.

Noticias originales

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, BULLETIN, 24 January 1916, page


Following Reports of Airship Over duPont Plants, Society Men Are Asked to Watch Machines


Robert E. Glendinning and Clarke Thomson, prominent in society circles and owners of hydro-aeroplanes, have been asked by Federal agents to guard their planes so they cannot be used in an air raid on the duPont powder mills in New Jersey and Delaware.

The government investigators requested that the "flying boats," which are stored along the Delaware river, be dismantled or placed under guard, and were informed that parts of engines on each were removed last November when the aviators gave up flying for the winter.

Under no circumstances could they be used, Mr. Glendinning and Mr. Clarke assured the investigators unless the missing parts were replaced by experts. They also said they were positive their machines has not been used without their knowledge.

The visit of the Federal investigators, it is believed, was influenced by reports prevalent in towns near Pennsgrove, N. J., that an aeroplane had been heard at night circling over the powder mills.

Mr. Glendinning is a member of the firm of Robert Glendinning and Company, bankers, Fourth and Chestnut sts., and Mr. Thomson is a son of a former president of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Mr. Glendinning has a hangar at Essington, just below the Philadelphia Yacht Club, while Mr. Thomson's machine has been stored in a tent near the rifle range along the water front at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

Two Paulsboro residents and several workmen employed at the dynamite plant at Gibbstown declare they distinctly heard the whirring of an aeroplane propeller over the town and plant, and they say a machine sailed over the works the night of the explosion when five men were injured recently.

Jesse K. Wilkerson and Wilbert McLain are the Paulsboro residents who emphatically assert they heard an aeroplane, and that they and neighbors tumbled out of bed when they were attracted by the noise in the sky. They could not see the machine. Mr. Glendinning to-day admitted that Federal agents were conducting an investigation.

"I am not at liberty to disclose what information the agents imparted to me," he declared. "It is true I was visited and asked about my machine and whether there was any danger it might be stolen for use in a raid on a powder works. I told my visitor my machine was dismantled, and that it was safe."

Federal officers here deny they are active in the investigation, and say the investigators may have come from Washington.

There have been repeated rumors following explosions at the duPont plants in New Jersey that aviators were responsible, and that explosives were dropped upon the buildings. Officials of the duPont Powder Company said they placed no credence in the reports, and added they knew nothing of Mr. Glendinning and Mr. Thomson having been questioned about their flying machines.

The belief, however, that there is a mysterious aviator, who makes nightly excursions, has grown into a fully developed report in the New Jersey towns, in the vicinity of the powder plants, and is spreading. According to reports in Paulsboro, the skies are swept at night by curious persons who expect to see a 'plane in a raid on one of the plants.

Each of the powder plants is so protected by armed guards and high wire fences that an attack by enemies, except fromthe skies, is declared to be impossible, according to official statements of the duPont company. They have ascribed all explosions in their works either to carelessness on the part of employes or to unavoidable accidents.


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