ID | #1623770743 |
Añadido | Mar, 15/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Los dos hombres estaban "rodando en el barro" por el pantano cuando saltaron algo al pantano. Los dos hombres abandonaron inmediatamente la zona en su Quad. En el camino a casa, vieron a la figura saltar a un campo de caña.
Lo siguieron y luego lo persiguieron a una velocidad de aproximadamente 40 mph. Se acercaron a una distancia de 20 pies (6 m) e hicieron dos tomas borrosas.
Describieron a la criatura de aproximadamente 8 pies (2,4 m) de altura, con enormes ojos rojos brillantes, pelaje rojizo grueso pero con piel verdosa debajo, y tres garras, una en cada una, de aproximadamente ocho pulgadas (20,32 cm) de largo. La pata media era la más larga.
Noticias originales
Location. Devil’s Swamp, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
Date: August 2006
Time: 2300
Two men were “mud riding” on the swamp when they something jump into the swamp. The two men immediately left the area on their four-wheeler. On their way home they saw a figure jump into the cane field. They followed it and then chased it at about 40mph. They got to within 20 feet from and took two blurry pictures. They described the creature as about 8ft tall, with huge glowing red eyes, a thick reddish fur, but with greenish skin underneath, and three claws, one on each that were about eight inches long. The middle claw was the longest.
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