ID | #1623769163 |
Añadido | Mar, 15/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un hombre de 52 años, conocido solo por su nombre Cherokee "Woohali", y su hijo de 25 años estaban conduciendo por Briggs Road cuando los faros de su camión con tracción en las cuatro ruedas vieron a una criatura de seis o siete pies (1,8-2,1 m) de altura, con una envergadura de diez o doce pies (3-3, 6 m) casi volando por su parabrisas.
El conductor giró y detuvo el camión a un lado de la carretera en una zanja, ambos hombres inmediatamente se sintieron físicamente enfermos y comenzaron a vomitar. La criatura tenía alas coriáceas, largas garras en sus patas y brazos y una expresión facial Gruñona.
Ambos testigos de alguna manera sintieron que la criatura estaba enojada por ser vista. Tenía un hocico grande con hileras de dientes afilados, y la criatura los "gritaba" antes de volar directamente en el aire.
Ambos hombres enfermaron hasta el final de la noche.
Noticias originales
Date: September 26 2006
Location: Near La Crosse, Wisconsin
Time: 2115-2130
Summary: A 52 year old man known only by his Cherokee name of “Wohali” and his 25-year old son were driving on Briggs Road when their 4-wheel drive truck’s headlights caught a bat-like man-like creature that was six or seven feet tall with about a ten or twelve foot wingspan that almost flew into their windshield. The driver swerved and pulled the truck over to the side of the road on a ditch, both men immediately became physically ill and began to vomit. The creature had leathery wings, long claws on its feet and hands and a snarling expression on its face. Both witnesses somehow felt that the creature was angry that it had been seen. It had a large muzzle with rows of sharp teeth, and the creature “screamed” at them before sailing straight up into the air. Both men were sick to their stomachs the rest of the night. Investigators later found a mutilated deer carcass in the same area.
Source: T. Peter Park quoting Linda Godfrey
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