ID | #1623581982 |
Añadido | Dom, 13/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | NUFORC
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Los tres amigos estaban jugando a las escondidas en el bosque cuando una luz deslumbrante los iluminó, casi paralizando todos sus movimientos durante un par de segundos. Luego, dos figuras salieron de la luz cegadora y hablaron en un idioma desconocido. En ese momento, tres testigos estaban detrás de una gran roca a una distancia de aproximadamente 50 yardas (15 m).
Las figuras se pararon y estudiaron los alrededores durante un par de segundos y luego procedieron a tomar muestras. Una vez que se tomaron las muestras, comenzaron a regresar lentamente a la fuente de luz antes de desaparecer en ella.
Los extraterrestres medían entre 6,5 pies y 7 pies (1,9-2,1 m) de altura. No llevaban ropa, pero sus cuerpos estaban cubiertos de armadura de pies a cabeza, como si estuvieran "hechos para la guerra". Eran bastante delgados, pero con extremidades muy grandes. Tenían una cabeza pequeña y los ojos ocupaban la mayor parte de la cara. Los ojos eran completamente blancos, y parecía que la luz brillaba a través de ellos. Tenían una boca muy pequeña y no parecían tener orejas, pero parecía que tenían pequeños agujeros a los lados de la cabeza.
Era difícil ver la nave debido a la luz, pero parecía una pequeña cápsula globular sin ventanas. No tenía luces intermitentes, pero tenía un brillo pulsante muy brillante. Se mueve muy rápido, como si se teletransportara de un lugar a otro.
Noticias originales
Location. Yuma, Virginia
Date: October 14 2006
Time: 0200A
Three friends were out playing ‘hide & seek’ in the woods when a blinding light flashed down on them, almost paralyzing them of all movement for a couple of seconds. Then two figures came out of the blinding light and spoke in an unknown language. At this time the three witnesses were behind a large rock at about 50 yards away. The figures stood and studied the surroundings for a couple of seconds and then proceeded to take some samples. After samples were taken they began to slowly move back toward the origin of the light before disappearing into it. The aliens were around 61/2 ft to 7ft tall. They wore no clothing but their bodies looked to be armored from head to toe, almost like they were ‘engineered for war’. They were rather skinny, but had extremely large limbs. They had a small head with the eyes taking up the majority of the face. The eyes were completely white and it seemed as though the light was shining through them. They had a very small mouth and did not appear to possess any ears, but looked as though they had small holes in the sides of their heads. It was hard to get a clear look at the craft because of the light but it appeared to be a small ball-shaped pod with no windows. It did not have any flashing lights but it had a very bright pulsating glow. The pod move very quickly as if it teleporting from place to place.
Source: NUFORC
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