ID | #1623238323 |
Añadido | Mié, 09/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | UFO Research Manitoba, Canadian UFO Survey
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Vi un objeto tenue de forma indeterminada que volaba silenciosamente a 1.5 grados por segundo, el único indicio de su apariencia era que, al tratar de detectar meteoros Gemínidos en un patio suburbano, el 737 voló a través de nuestra casa en un planeo en El campo del amor.
Al tratar de apartar la vista de sus luces de aterrizaje, noté un objeto muy tenue de aproximadamente 1 grado de arco y ancho indeterminado que se movía perpendicular a la trayectoria del Boeing 737. Parece que ocultó algunas estrellas durante su viaje (alrededor de 1.5 grados / seg) a una altura indeterminada.
No parecía tener luminiscencia, excepto un ligero parpadeo mientras se movía a través del cielo estrellado. Se movía perpendicular a su eje longitudinal. Estimaría su magnitud entre 4 y 5. No hizo ruido.
Lo observé durante unos noventa segundos hasta que dejó de ser visible.
Noticias originales
Date: December 14 2004
Location: Garland, Texas
Time: 00:30
Summary: I saw a dim indeterminately shaped object that flew silently about 1.5 degrees per second whose only hint of its appearance was in the, While trying to spot Geminid meteors in may subsurban back yard, a 737 came acros our house on the glide path into Love Field. While trying to divert my gaze from its landing lights, I noticed a very dim object about 1 degree of arc in length and of an indeterminate width, moving perpendicular to the path of the 737. It seemed to occult some stars as it travelled (about 1.5 degrees/sec) at an indeterminate altitude. It appeared to have no luminescence except for the faintest shimmer as it moved across the starry sky. It was travelling perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Its magnitude I would estimate between 4-5. It made no noise. I observed it for about ninety seconds until it was no longer visible. It travelled unidirectionally North-to-South for the duration of its visibility.
Source: UFO Research Manitoba, Canadian UFO Survey
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