ID | #1622816817 |
Añadido | Vie, 04/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | NUFORC
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Alrededor de las 21:00 del 1 de noviembre, el testigo estaba acostado en la cama viendo la televisión. Justo encima de su cama hay tres ventanas con paneles de vidrio de 12 por 12. El televisor estaba a la izquierda de su cama.
De repente, su atención atrajo el piso a unos cuatro pies (1,2 m) de la mesa sobre la que estaba su televisor. Vio un rayo que se movía muy rápido en pequeños círculos en un punto concentrado en el piso. Los movimientos circulares que produjo no eran perfectos, eran más como "círculos tambaleantes". El haz era sólido, claro y sólido, y tenía aproximadamente una pulgada de ancho... era bastante delgado. El color era blanco puro con un tinte azulado en los bordes de la viga. El rayo en sí era brillante, pero no parecía emitir luz más allá de sus bordes.
Ella pudo verlo durante unos 5 segundos antes de salir de su habitación en un estado de pánico total. Miró hacia afuera para ver cualquier rastro de la nave, pero no había ninguno. No había aviones, excepto aviones comerciales de alto vuelo.
Cuando más tarde revisó el terreno, no había evidencia de que el rayo tocara el piso.
En dicha fecha, el testigo principal fue esta vez su hermano menor, cuando de repente una figura negra como el alquitrán, que parecía bidimensional, en una forma muy humanoide, pasó rápidamente por la ventana y la pared que estaban justo en frente del lugar donde estaban. sentado, a unos 12 pies (3,6 m). La figura no tenía rasgos faciales distinguibles, ni ropa ni cabello. Solo una cabeza redonda y un torso humano, todo lo que pudieron ver. Era imposible estimar la altura. Definitivamente estaba dentro de su casa, no un reflejo del exterior. La observación duró 3-4 segundos.
Noticias originales
Location. Morgantown, West Virginia
Date: November 3 2004
Time: night
Around 2100 on November 1 the witness was in bed watching television. Directly above her bed are three windows with 12 by 12 glass panels. The television was to the left of her bed. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the floor approximately four feet from the desk her television was on. What she saw was a beam moving very quickly in small circles in one concentrated spot on the floor. The circle motions it made were not perfect, they were more like “wobbly circles”. The beam was solid, pure solid light and approximately an inch wide…it was fairly thin. The color was pure white with somewhat of a bluish tinge around the outside of the beam. The beam itself was bright, but did not seem to emit any light beyond its edges. She was able to watch it for about 5 seconds before she left her room in a state of total panic. She looked outside to see any evidence of a craft and there was none. There were no aircraft of any kind besides high-flying commercial planes. When she checked the area later, there was no evidence whatsoever of the beam having ever touched the floor. On the above date, the main witness was this time with her younger brother when suddenly a pitch black figure, which appeared to be two dimensional, in a very humanoid form quickly passed across a window and wall which were directly in front of where they were sitting, about 12 feet away. The figure had no discernable features in its face, no clothing, no hair. Just a round head and human like torso were all they were able to make out. It was impossible to make a height estimate. It was certain inside their house, not a reflection from outside. The sighting lasted for 3-4 seconds.
Source: NUFORC
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