ID | #1622033322 |
Añadido | Mié, 26/05/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Filer’s Files # 5, 2001
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo se despertó repentinamente y escuchó un zumbido o vibración de baja frecuencia. Sintió que la casa se inclinaba en un ángulo y se preparó ante la idea de que se trataba de un terremoto.
Cuando intentó recuperarse, se dio cuenta de que estaba completamente inmovilizado, no podía mover sus extremidades ni su cabeza. En ese momento, miró a la derecha hacia el tragaluz y vio un rayo de luz azul que sintió que estaba buscando y lo encontró. A su izquierda, también vio la luz proveniente de la ventana.
Ahora se sentía semidesnudo y se dio cuenta de que estaba siendo examinado en la cama. Mirando a su alrededor, vio una pequeña figura oscura a su izquierda, a la derecha sobre su cabeza.
De repente, justo delante de él, a unos 10 pies (3 m), vio algo que parecía una figura holográfica. Les preguntó qué querían, pero no recibió una respuesta. Sintió que iban a estudiarlo.
Todo se detuvo repentinamente y la luz azul se fue gradualmente del tragaluz y la ventana.
Noticias originales
Date: December 31 2000
Location: Kingsville, Texas
Time: 0400A
Summary: The witness suddenly awoke and heard a low frequency buzz or vibration. He sensed that the house was tilting at an angle and braced himself thinking that it was an earthquake. As the tried to brace himself he realized that he was totally immobilized, could not move any limb or his head. At that time he looked to his right toward the skylight and saw a beam of blue light that he sensed was searching and had found him. To his left he also saw a light coming from the window. Now he felt in a semi-awake state, and realized he was being examined in bed. Looking around he could make out a small dark figure on his left, above his head to his right. Suddenly directly in front of him about 10 feet away, he saw what appeared to be a holographic figure. He asked them what they wanted, but received no response. He sensed that they were intent in examining him. It suddenly stopped and the blue light then gradually went away from the skylight and the window.
Source: Filer’s Files # 5, 2001
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