ID | #1617140039 |
Añadido | Mié, 31/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Las Vegas Mercury, NIDS
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
En medio de su Rancho aislado en el noreste de Utah, Tom Gorman vio una luz blanca tenue emergiendo de la nada, el investigador Chad Ditken también vio la luz. Gorman y Ditken han estado pastando como parte de un esfuerzo continuo para documentar la actividad inusual en el territorio.
Ambos hombres observaron de cerca cómo la luz se hacía más brillante. Es como si alguien hubiera abierto una ventana o una puerta. Gorman agarró binoculares de visión nocturna para ver mejor, pero tuvo dificultades para creer lo que vio. La luz tenue comenzó a parecerse a un portal brillante, y en un extremo del portal, una gran figura humanoide negra parecía tener dificultades para atravesar el túnel de la luz.
Después de unos minutos, la figura humanoide salió de la luz y voló hacia la oscuridad. Al hacerlo, la ventana de luz se cerró de golpe, como si alguien hubiera accionado el interruptor.
Noticias originales
Location. Uintah County, Utah
Date: August 28 1997
Time: 0200A
In the middle of his isolated ranch in Northeastern Utah, Tom Gorman saw a dull white light appearing out of nowhere, researcher Chad Deetken also saw the light. Gorman and Deetken were out in the pasture as part of an ongoing effort to document unusual activity on the property. Both men watched intently as the light grew brighter. It was as if someone had opened a window or doorway. Gorman grabbed his night vision binoculars to get a better look but could hardly believe what he was seeing. The dull light began to resemble a bright portal, and at one end of the portal, a large, black humanoid figure seemed to be struggling to crawl through the tunnel of light. After a few minutes, the humanoid figure wriggled out of the light and took off into the darkness. As it did, the window of light snapped shut, as if someone had flicked the “off” switch. Deetken had the presence of mind to snap a few photos of the event but would later learn that the film had recorded little of what the two men had witnessed.
Source: Las Vegas Mercury, NIDS
Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde
- Sitio: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehículo: Proton-K Blok-DM3 Carga útil: PAS 5 → Arabsat 2C → Badr C → Intelsat 5
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