ID | #1617136804 |
Añadido | Mar, 30/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Nick Wyatt
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un hombre que conducía por una estrecha carretera abandonada de dos carriles conducía por montículos de ocho a diez pies (2,4 a 3 m) de altura a ambos lados de la carretera.
De repente, algo saltó desde la parte superior de un montículo en el lado izquierdo y aterrizó en el medio de la carretera a unas 30 yardas (27 m) del automóvil. Sus piernas lucharon por agarrarse y luego saltó o se elevó a la cima de un montículo en el lado derecho de la carretera. Luego desapareció.
Según las descripciones, la criatura era bípeda, de unos cuatro pies (1,2 m) de altura. Sus piernas eran grandes y musculosas, con grandes caderas. Sus patas eran redondas, pero el testigo no vio, garras o ungulados. Tenía una cintura estrecha con un pecho redondo mucho más grande.
Tenía dos brazos delgados con garras en lugar de brazos con alas tipo murciélago que se extendían desde debajo de las manos hasta aproximadamente el área de la cintura. Su cuello estaba flaco, pero el testigo no pudo ver su cabeza ya que la luz del sol le cerró la vista. El color de la criatura era marrón oscuro con un tono verde oscuro debajo de las alas. Era coriáceo, sin pelaje, sin espinas ni nada notable en la columna vertebral.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Amado, Arizona
Date: first week of August 1997
Time: late afternoon
A man driving down a narrow desolated two-lane road was going through an area of eight to ten foot embankments on both sides of the road. Suddenly something leaped from the top of the embankment on the left side and landed in the middle of the road about 30 yards ahead of the vehicle. Its legs were scrambling to get a grip and it then leaped or flew to the top of the embankment on the right side of the road. Then it disappeared. The creature was described as about four feet tall and bipedal. Its legs were large and muscular with big thighs. Its feet were round, but the witness did not see if they were clawed or hoofed. It had a narrow waist area with a much larger round chest. It had two slims arms with claws for hands with bat type wings that went from underneath the arms to about the waist area. Its neck was skinny, but the witness did not get to see its head as the sun glare blocked his view. The color of the creature was deep brown with a dark green tone under the wings. It was leathery with no fur and it had no spikes or anything from its spine noticeable.
Source: Nick Wyatt
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