ID | #1616683725 |
Añadido | Jue, 25/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”, Chile
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La familia de cuatro personas viajaba a Tocopilla, pero a mitad de camino, el padre (conductor) cambió de opinión y decidió regresar, explicando que para cuando llegaran a Tocopilla todo estaría cerrado. En el camino, se desvió por una carretera secundaria, pasando por un aeródromo vacío ubicado en una llanura aislada.
Cuando llegaron al aeródromo, todos notaron un extraño rastro de forma triangular en el Suelo, pero no se detuvieron para investigar. Pronto comenzaron a escuchar extraños gritos que se parecían a los de una mujer que había sido atacada o "violada".
Inmediatamente después, todos vieron una figura humanoide brillante de al menos 3 metros de altura, brillando como un metal brillante. Su rostro tenía forma ovalada y sus ojos en forma de almendra brillaban con una luz brillante.
Los testigos sorprendidos vieron a una criatura gigante radiante salir frente a su automóvil y les dio una señal para detenerse. La madre comenzó a gritar cuando la criatura giró su cabeza hacia ellos y emitió un brillante rayo de luz azulado de cada ojo. Todo este tiempo, el conductor desaceleró el automóvil a la velocidad mínima.
Pudieron notar que la criatura tenía brazos muy largos. Era delgado y llevaba un atuendo plateado brillante de una pieza. Estaba completamente sin pelo. Cuando la madre gritó histéricamente, la criatura desapareció de la vista y todo volvió a la normalidad. Los testigos se retiraron rápidamente de la escena.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Tocopilla, Chile
Date: Summer 1996
Time: afternoon
A family of four was driving on their way to Tocopilla but halfway there, the father, (driver) changed his mind and decided to return, explaining that by the time they arrived to Tocopilla everything would be closed. On their way he took a secondary road that past by an empty airfield, located in an isolated plain. As they drove near the airfield they all noticed a strange triangular-shaped mark on the ground, however they did not stop to investigate. Soon they began hearing bizarre screams resembling those of a woman being attacked or “raped”. Immediately after that they all saw a brilliant humanoid figure at least 3 meters in height, it shone like brilliant metal. Its face was oval-shaped and its eyes almond in shape emitting a brilliant light. Astounded the witnesses watched as the shiny giant creature stepped in front of their car and signaled them to stop. The mother began screaming as the creature turned its head towards them and emitted a brilliant beam of bluish light from each eye. The whole time the driver slowed the vehicle down until it was going a minimal speed. They were able to notice that the creature had extremely long arms; it was of thin build, and was wearing a one-piece shiny silvery outfit. It was totally hairless. As the mother screamed hysterically the creature disappeared in plain sight and everything returned to normal. The witnesses quickly drove away from the area.
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”, Chile
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