ID | #1614367209 |
Añadido | Vie, 26/02/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Jane Guma, Alejandro Agostinelli, and Richard Heiden FSR Vol. 37 # 1
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El pescador Dolorindo Asensio navegó por el lago junto a su hermano Sebastián. Se asustaron al ver cómo un enorme objeto volador se acercaba rápidamente a ellos en la oscuridad, acompañado de un ruido ensordecedor.
El pescador agrega que la nave espacial, cuya estructura estaba rodeada de colores brillantes, flotaba sobre el bote e irradiaba una fuerte sensación de calor sobre ellos, por lo que remaron frenéticamente hacia la orilla y se escondieron entre la vegetación.
Al día siguiente, Asensio visitó en su casa a "un hombre y dos mujeres" con acento claramente extranjero, quienes lo amenazaron brutalmente y le advirtieron que no contara con nadie sobre el incidente, e incluso le ofrecieron una recompensa si guardaba silencio. Los extraños fueron descritos como altos, rubios y extranjeros externamente.
Noticias originales
Location. Llanquihue Lake, Chile
Date: October 21 1990
Time: night
Fisherman Dolorindo Asencio was sailing together with his brother Sebastian on the lake. They were terrified to see how an immense flying object approached them rapidly in the darkness accompanied by a deafening noise. The fisherman adds that the spaceship, whose structure was surrounded by radiant colors, hovered over the boat and projected on them an intensely warm sensation for which reason they desperately rowed towards the shore and hid among the vegetation. The next day Asencio was visited in his home by “a man and two women” with an unmistakably foreign accent who threatened him severely and warned him not to talk to anybody about the sighting and even offered him a reward if he kept quiet. The strangers were described as tall, blond and foreign in appearance.
Source: Jane Guma, Alejandro Agostinelli, and Richard Heiden FSR Vol. 37 # 1
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