ID | #1607432756 |
Añadido | Mar, 08/12/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 2
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Varios testigos estaban en una caravana de cinco autos que viajaban por una carretera aislada y observaban el paisaje cuando, de repente, todos los motores de los cinco autos comenzaron a "burbujear" y, momentos después, todos los autos se detuvieron.
Cuando los hombres miraron debajo de las capuchas, tratando de determinar la causa del problema, uno de los testigos sintió el impulso de mirar a la izquierda. Allí vieron a una figura baja y delgada de pie en el bosque, que miraba con curiosidad toda la emoción.
La criatura de repente vio a un testigo asustado y, a gran velocidad, corrió hacia el bosque, ocultándose rápidamente de la vista.
La criatura fue descrita como de cuatro pies (1,2 m) de altura, delgada y bien construida. Su cabeza era un poco más grande de lo normal y tenía forma de huevo. Era sin pelo, con grandes ojos oscuros y diagonales, un pequeño pico y una pequeña boca sin dientes. Su piel era de color verde grisáceo y tenía largos brazos colgantes con dedos largos y delgados. La criatura llevaba un ajustado traje blanco de una pieza con un patrón azul desconocido en el área del pecho.
Una vez que abandonaron el área, los autos volvieron a funcionar.
Noticias originales
Date: Late February 1984
Location: El Yunque Puerto Rico
Time: evening
Summary: Several witnesses were in a caravan of five vehicles that were traveling on an isolated road and were observing the scenery when suddenly all five-vehicle engines began to sputter and in a few moments all the vehicles had stalled. As the men looked under the hoods in an attempt to determine the cause of the problem, one of the witnesses felt an urge to look over to her left and saw standing in the woods a short thin figure that was staring with curiosity at all the commotion. The being suddenly noticed the startled witness and ran at very high speed into the woods quickly disappearing from sight. The being was described as four-foot tall, thin, and well proportioned. His head was slightly larger than normal and egg shaped. It was hairless with large dark slanted eyes, a tiny nose, and a small lipless mouth. Its skin was gray-green in color and it had long dangling arms with long thin fingers. The being wore a tight fitting one-piece white suit with an unknown blue design on the chest area. As soon as the being left the area, the vehicles were able to function again.
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 2
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