ID | #1601895192 |
Añadido | Lun, 05/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Tres hombres charlaban en la carretera después de que uno comprara. De repente, vieron un objeto brillante volando lentamente en la distancia, bajando a la cima de la colina.
Uno de los hombres dejó al resto y se fue en su coche en la dirección en la que se encontraba el inmueble. Pudo acercarse al lugar con una precisión de unos pocos cientos de metros y vio un objeto hemisférico blanco brillante, más ancho que su altura, con dos grandes luces rojas en su superficie. El terreno era irregular y no podía ver la base del objeto.
Observando con binoculares, vio a dos criaturas masivas moviéndose frente a un objeto blanco brillante. Vestían pesados trajes enrollados en espiral, lo que los hacía parecer un "Michelin Tire Man". Tenían cascos redondos en sus cabezas. No podía ver ni los pies ni los pies.
En ese momento escuchó varios disparos; pensando que alguien le estaba disparando, se retiró apresuradamente a su automóvil y se fue. De hecho, los disparos fueron realizados por un "famoso cazador furtivo" que estacionó su casa móvil a menos de un kilómetro del lugar de aterrizaje. Parece que no se ha abierto ningún caso por este hecho.
El testigo principal, respetado en el área, no quería que su nombre se asociara con el incidente.
Hubo otros informes de objetos vistos en las cercanías de la misma colina, tanto antes como después de la colisión en junio de 1974.
Noticias originales
Date: June 19 1974
Location: Cote-d’Or France
Time: evening
Summary: Three men were chatting alongside a highway after one had just made some purchases. They suddenly observed a luminous object flying slowly in the distance, descending toward a hilltop. One of the men left the others and drove off in his car toward the direction in which the object had settled. He was able to approach the site to within a few hundred meters, and saw a luminous white, hemispherical object, wider than it was tall, with two large red lights on its surface. The terrain was rough, and he was unable to see the base of the object. While he observed through binoculars, he saw two heavyset beings moving in front of the white luminous object; they were dressed in heavy coiled outfits that made them resemble the “Michelin Tire Man.” They appeared to have round helmets on their heads. He was unable to see legs or feet. At that moment he heard some shots; thinking that someone was firing a gun at him, he hastily retreated to his car and drove away. The shots were actually fired by a “notorious poacher” who was parked in his mobile home less than a km from the landing site. No police action, it seems, was instituted against the man. The primary witness, highly regarded in the area, did not want his name associated with the incident. There had been other reports of objects seen in the vicinity of the same hill both prior to and after the June 74 encounter.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
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